I think you either don't mind the idea or it really upsets you. I have always been horrified by the idea of pregnancy and birth and the more I read about it, the worse it gets. However, I've spoken to women who really don't mind. I've always been appalled by the idea of birth - being touched and shoved about by all those people, looks like some kind of sexual assault to me. I always assumed it would be okay though, because everyone says it is. Then i read this article about women who had traumatic birth experiences and it just confirmed everything I've ever thought. I've got a good friend with two kids who's a tough, brave lady and she says now she finds smear tests difficult, post birth. What's worst is my boyfriend wants kids. Sometimes I look at him and know he wants me to have this experience and it makes me hate him. I really gets me also that pregnant women on TV are always portrayed at being just delighted with all their internal exams they have to have, because their getting to have a baby and they never portray birth realistically. It isn't exactly helpful if your partner gets most of his info in life from the telly.