Originally Posted By: Angela, Pregnancy Editor
Originally Posted By: Naomi Baine
YES. It seems like they are invading the woman's personal space. D: I've seen random strangers go up to my pregnant aunt and just rub her belly, making creepy noises.

I have a friend who is a very "take charge and be in control" woman - Career Air Force and very....in control. She ended up pregnant and I don't think it was planned.

Anyway - she was getting groceries once and standing in line reading a magazine when the stranger (MAN) behind her grabbed her belly. Like two-handed, open-palmed GRABBED her belly. She set down her magazine and grabbed him between the legs....HARD!

*laughing* He put his hands up in the air in an "I surrender" posture and said "Um - I, uh.....ow - I...." And she just looked at him blandly and said, "Yeah - I don't like total strangers grabbing at me either."

Let him go and went back to her mag without missing a beat or blinking an eyelash! LOL!

I always think of that story just in case some stranger ever grabs my belly...I'm prepared!
Angela <><

I would get a t-shirt that said "Don't Touch the Baby!" I have a medical condition that causes severe bloating and from time-to-time I have been mistaken for being pregnant. If anyone ever touched me when I am in that kind of pain I would seriously hurt someone! I know I would scream. I couldn't help it.

Se non potete resistere al calore, allora esca dalla MIA cucina.