I was more referring to the crankiness after nine months of a growing leech inside you. Swollen ankles, short tempers, etc. I guess I saw the worst of them, they "let it all hang out" when not around family I guess lol. Very few that I saw in my mom's office were happy and full of energy...I wonder if it's a front they put up to make sure people know they're happy about being pregnant/going to have a baby. It was an interesting transition to watch the "ohmygosh I'm pregnant! :D" turn into "Get this out of me NOW!"
My sister in law totally matches your friend. She is always forgetting things, and perpetually talks in "babytalk" --you know, the dumbed down, high pitched cooey voice that for whatever reason humans feel the need to talk to their children in... She jokes that she has "mommy mush brain" like it's cute or something...it freaks me out. She's the only one of my family who hasn't accepted my childfree life.
I wonder sometimes what she is thinking when she moans about the latest mess/whatever that the "little darlings" have made or that the baby kept her up all night, or (my favorite) when her little brats throw temper tantrums in public, and then tells me "oh but it's so glorious to be a mother!!" Every time she does that I just think "yeah...right."