I could not believe he used THAT term either. I actually looked it up in the dictionary and here's what Webster says:

Agnostic - (coined by Thomas Henry Huxley) a person who believes that the human mind cannot know whether there is a God, or an ultimate cause, or anything beyond material phenomena

Applying this definition to the President's statement....OK, now I'm really confused. Is he saying his mind is so limited that he "cannot know whether there" will be tax increases or not? Or is he referencing the limitations of our human minds, in that we cannot know?

I think the word Agnostic is generally understood to many as "On The Fence." There may be a God, there may not, I don't know, I don't care, etc. This was my understanding of the word's meaning, until I looked it up.

Applying this "not quite accurate" definition to what the President said...... OK, now I'm flabbergasted! Is he saying there may be tax increases, or maybe not, I don't know, I don't care? Does he have a clue? I heard the comment on TV while I was at my computer, so I can only guess he didn't have a teleprompter.

So now I have another question raging through my brain. To go along with "Who is behind the desk chair in the Oval Office?"
WHO is running those teleprompters?

I'm giving all this a little too much real estate in my brain right now. Before I "evict" these questions for a much needed respite, there is something else which keeps popping into my head each time the President or others around him speak.

If you repeat something enough times, it will believed to be truth.

I don't know who originally said this, and I'm certainly paraphrasing the quote. However, it certainly explains how almost verbatim wordage is emanating from so many mouths.

Jane Winkler, Editor
Native American Site
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