Posted By: toddzgrrl02 qualifications or color? - 12/05/08 06:50 PM

CHICAGO -- Community leaders and politicians say they're starting a petition drive to ask Gov. Rod Blagojevich to name a black person to replace Barack Obama in the U.S. Senate.

U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) said today that with the president-elect's resignation there is no black U.S. senator. He says it'll be a "national disgrace" of a black Illinois politician doesn't replace him.

The decision rests entirely in Blagojevich's hands. The Chicago Democrat can choose anyone who meets the requirements: An Illinois resident at least 30 years old who has been a U.S. citizen for nine years.

Blagojevich has said little about his criteria for choosing a replacement, but says he plans to choose by the end of the year.

--The Associated Press

I think this is ridiculous. It shouldn't be about COLOR, it should be about qualifications and ability to perform the job... a national disgrace!!! A national disgrace is electing people for positions they aren't qualified for based on something as simple as skin color, imo. I'm sick of these "feel good" politics that care more about how things LOOK than with getting the job done good. Wake up people and stop worrying about making history and start worrying about electing officials who can get the job done and done well.
Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance Re: qualifications or color? - 12/07/08 12:38 AM side hurts.

I've heard so many people tell me, and it's with hands on hips too..."If Obama doesn't get elected, it will be because of his race."

I look them dead on and reply,"If he does get elected it will be because he's black."


Clairvoyance Editor
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Posted By: Des28 Re: qualifications or color? - 12/16/08 03:56 AM
I for one am sick of everyone making everything about race. It seems that no matter where you go or what you do someone always brings it back to your skin color. Why don't we all walk around in plastic bubbles of rainbow colors! I guarantee you that someone somewhere will find a problem with that as well. I believe it should be what you know not who you know, what you do not what you say. We all have watched the elections every four years, we have all had to deal with politicians saying one thing and doing another. What gets me is that people haven't smelled the coffee yet? I am truly disappointed in the leaders of the country and quite a few of my fellow Americans. The sad part is that I�m not alone in my disappointment.

Posted By: whoisjohngalt Re: qualifications or color? - 12/21/08 10:29 PM
Unfortunatly, Obama was a man of little substance. He had nothing solid he was going to do except vague ideas such as "I'll bring everyone together." This is obviously an impossible task for a politician that is so polarized that he voted against giving medical aid to babies that have survived a botched abortion.

This is why the media and Obama focused on his color. It was a safe topic. Obviously his associations, his religion, his friends, his comments, his party leaders, his wife, and his VP pick were all hot topics for him and that is why there was such a push to get each of these under the rug. It's the OJ defense all over again and millions of people (white and black) fell for it.

When OJ was pronounced not guilty, millions felt a sense of psychosematic euphoria. It was not different when Obama got elected.

The irony to all of this is that many white people voted for him so that they could put the guilt from slavery behind them, after all, what better affirmative action could you give a guy other than let him run your country. However, there are news reports of black community leaders and preachers (mostly in the south that I have noticed) who are saying that this election changes nothing because Barack, "Ain't got no slave blood in him."

Apparently they are making too much money off of keeping the races seperate.

It always goes back to money and power. Racism will not end until people stop making money or getting votes from it.

Posted By: TomRepParty Re: qualifications or color? - 01/21/09 08:19 PM
Originally Posted By: toddzgrrl02
I think this is ridiculous. It shouldn't be about COLOR, it should be about qualifications and ability to perform the job... a national disgrace!!! A national disgrace is electing people for positions they aren't qualified for based on something as simple as skin color, imo. I'm sick of these "feel good" politics that care more about how things LOOK than with getting the job done good. Wake up people and stop worrying about making history and start worrying about electing officials who can get the job done and done well.

Yes, done right and well the first time. You bring up a good point. History will be made regardless and we ought to focus our efforts on electing those qualified citizens who can do the job - not those rock stars who can win an American Idol contest but know nothing of what concerns America and the American people. Thank you for posting.
Posted By: TomRepParty Re: qualifications or color? - 01/21/09 08:26 PM
Originally Posted By: whoisjohngalt
The irony to all of this is that many white people voted for him so that they could put the guilt from slavery behind them, after all, what better affirmative action could you give a guy other than let him run your country. However, there are news reports of black community leaders and preachers (mostly in the south that I have noticed) who are saying that this election changes nothing because Barack, "Ain't got no slave blood in him."

Racism will not end until people stop making money or getting votes from it.-whoisjohngalt

Affirmative action is bearing fruit - sometimes bitter and acrimonious. In its wake are many very qualified people of all colors and gender who, because of political correctness must take a back seat, and give way to our more unfortunate brethren who have long suffered under the yoke.

Like you say in your post, it must be a most cathartic and liberating experience for them to have voted for B. Obama.
Posted By: TomRepParty Re: qualifications or color? - 01/21/09 08:34 PM
I've heard so many people tell me, and it's with hands on hips too..."If Obama doesn't get elected, it will be because of his race."

I look them dead on and reply,"If he does get elected it will be because he's black."


Clairvoyance Editor

Elleise you and Geraldine Ferraro are right on. I still think that Ms. Ferraro should have been lauded by Hillary when she said what she said about candidate Obama - that he (Barack) wouldn't have been where he was in the primaries hadn't he been black. Instead, we all know what happened. She was forced to resign her position from the Clinton campaign. I looked at that incident and realized just how sad the situation was for the entire country.
Posted By: Dianne W - Editor Re: qualifications or color? - 01/21/09 08:36 PM
I find this particular thread insulting, yet funny in a strange way (not ha-ha funny, just strange funny). I'm hoping that the good editors of Bella online will not drive away viewers by going too far to the extreme...just a point of view, controversy is what sells sometimes.
Posted By: TomRepParty Re: qualifications or color? - 01/21/09 08:47 PM
Originally Posted By: Dianne - Unemployment
I find this particular thread insulting, yet funny in a strange way (not ha-ha funny, just strange funny). I'm hoping that the good editors of Bella online will not drive away viewers by going too far to the extreme...just a point of view, controversy is what sells sometimes.

Thanks for your point of view Dianne. All points of view are appreciated and you are right also in that "extremism" would not be a good way to attract readers and posters to BellaOnline. It is a balancing act either way - recognizing individual differences and persuasions so as not to engage in empty banter. We can agree to disagree.
Posted By: Dianne W - Editor Re: qualifications or color? - 01/21/09 08:58 PM
I absolutely agree!!! That's EXACTLY what I was trying to say, but you said it SO-O-O-O much better. Thank you!!!
Posted By: jenilyn Re: qualifications or color? - 02/02/09 02:04 AM
I disagree. This is the Republican party site. Why can't we be extreme if this is the Republican Party site...If someone is speaking the truth or posting something of value but is to others exreme does that mean we all have to be careful and not say how we feel? This doesn't seem like a Republican thread to me. There wouldn't be any refuting the facts or trying to make people happy by compromising. I think I have seen a lot of compromise on almost all of the sites. I am new but I am watching and what I have seen so far...could be summed up in one word...compromise. And that's what lost the election to the democrats. NO MORE COMPROMISE!
There is a bit more compromise here at BellaOnline's forums than some others across the webs. That is actually part of who we are.

We here at BellaOnline want to be a positive and supportive place for anyone to come to.

I know the thing that first drew me here was the controversy surrounding Tom Cruise, Brooke Shields and whether Post Partum Depression was real.

I had seen this similar discussion on other boards, and I was appalled at the language, insults and general lack of respect shown by people. There was no intelligent conversation, because too many people were so sure they were "right" and everyone else, therefore must be a moron.

Then I came here and although people disagreed, they did so politely - they respected one another's opinions. It was more like the debates that I was used to from being on debate team in high school and college where you would make a point, counter-point, argument, and conclusion. If someone had actually tried to say "Well, you're just wrong" - they failed.

Tom is the moderator for this forum - he sets the rules and boundaries, so he can say where the line is drawn. It has already been said that this is the Republican forum, and that Democrats are not to come in here and start bashing - they will be reprimanded for doing so - privately.

Sorry to take up so much of a post with a somewhat off-topic subject, but this has been coming up in a few places, so I thought I'd just kind of explain things.

Thanks Tom!
Posted By: jenilyn Re: qualifications or color? - 02/02/09 02:34 AM

I understand that we can post our point of view but sometimes to others it is extreme. We are not bashing or using bad language we are voicing our concerns and sometimes that makes the democrats feel we are bashing their President. I guess it will probably never end. They bashed Bush and now the Republicans are not happy with Obama. But for some reason this election was different. There was more to it than just a regular election process. And a lot of people are concerned about how he got elected and why. I am one of them. But God bless you and have a great day.
Posted By: yotagrl22re Re: qualifications or color? - 02/04/09 11:43 PM
I am not a Republican or a Democrat, and I hope it is ok that I post here. This will probably be the last time I do anyway.
I was more involved with this election than any other I have voted in. In this process, and still, I am proud that I was able to have a small say in this particular election. But in all of my research and trying to listen and appreciate all sides and viewpoints, I grew very disappointed in how divided our people really are. I think this is something I have known for a long time, but during this election it just glared out at me. Which is why I usually don't post in the political forums, and try not to even read them for the most part.

I just don't know that Obama got elected because he is black, or if it was because he actually did inspire so many people. I don't know if he is where he is today because he is black. I hope he is where he is because he is driven, smart, educated, works hard, etc., all of the things that we Americans are supposed to value. Each person had their own reason for voting for him, and the same for voting for McCain. Even if those reasons others would consider right or wrong, we are able to vote for who we want. Obama will not be able to please everyone. If McCain had won he wouldn't either. NO one can do that.

I am white and I voted for Obama because I agreed with him on more things than I agreed with McCain. That doesn't mean that I did or I will agree with every thing Obama said or does in the future. I can't speak for others, but I did NOT vote for him because he is black and I did NOT vote for him because I feel guilty for slavery.

Saying that Obama is the Democrat's President or whoever's President, the way I see it, that is yet another way to divide and separate us even more. Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Independant, or just don't want a label...if you are an American, Obama is your President. He is not the Democrats President or the black people's President, he is all of our's. If McCain had won, he would be my President and I would never wish my President to fail because that would mean that we all fail.

I just wanted to throw my opinion into the mix. Thanks for reading and God bless.
Posted By: Dianne W - Editor Re: qualifications or color? - 02/05/09 12:10 AM
Thanks for sharing Yota!!!

Opinions are always welcome.
It's funny, I hear a lot of reasons why people voted for Obama.
they have generally fell into 4 categories:

1. He's a democrat
2. He's black.
3. He was the lesser of 2 evils.
4. McCain's choice of VP

Whatever their reason, he's in office now so hopefully everyone wants the economy to turn around and will work together to make it happen.

I will be honest with you, I drove my family crazy during the campaigning because I just didn't want to talk about politics.
I just want the economy to get better.
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