Since the lockdowns, many have experienced further depression and anxiety. There are so many uncertainties brought about by the pandemic. We're you able to adapt early on or did you also have to deal with the struggles of mental health issues?
I feel you. Things are overwhelming. Couldn't say we had the worst in history but were caught off guard. This new normal is messing with our heads. I want to share these articles from WHO Check it out when you get the chance. Keep safe!
It was the Great Conjunction alright - Mother in law passed on March 13th the day the lock down started - no funeral. Election and government officials all around the country. Murder and Mayhem. Constant bad spin on Covid. I turned off the news for the most part. Life is worth living but not according to the news.
Everytime the news comes on the first thing is the Covid Numbers; then the rest of the bad news. Once in awhile you hear about a person celebrating a special birthday or volunteers
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