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I do not remember my dreams.
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Just writing something so that the new page appears!
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I remember one dream.
I was walking in a shopping mall and was looking at the tables and booths where people were selling things then started to think that I could do that for money and then started to think of a few ideas and I went with honey, so I made sure the products were fresh from the same day, I had people get a little honey then sold it raw and also had a few other products made with it, prepared everything in the morning and a little before noon or noon or start of afternoon I had it all and were selling it at a table. At first it looked like a mistake but slowly all got sold so I kept going. One day a woman told me she loved the cake and asked for a big birthday cake, I quoted a high price (high for a simple cake) and she agreed and then when she saw it later she loved it and later she said everyone loved it.
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I remember two dreams.
I was in the Saint-Hubert house and so were many people. I woke up in the kitchen and then tried to fall back asleep because someone else got up. When I finally woke up two others were in the bathroom, I sat on the toilet (before i was scared it would stink since a man spent a lot of time there but he had not gone to the bathroom) but did not go because a man looking like Keanu Reeves and the other man was there, finally I think they both left or I moved on to where the shower and washer and dryer were and this is where my clothes were, a woman was there and helped me when I was looking so I hurried and took something for later but what I really wanted was a shirt for then because I felt uncomfortable with the top of the pajama I had on so I was looking and she was right there too. This is all I remember but it might be it.
I do not remember who started the killing and torture but it got turned on them, the man in charge started to get tortured and he turned into a Shark then and when it looked like he was going to either pass out or die he was able to get away (he was on a large surface that cooked) and then he was a Lioness, something happened but I do not remember. Then two people were in an elevator and were supposed to be branded (everyone there got branded - it was done by hot chains and something was on the chains and that was what was branded), before that many people did and the woman refused, the woman in charge of getting revenge arrived and talked about her girlfriend then showed her, she was in a glass with an hospital robe and her brain was outside and she was suffering but at least a little conscious and moving her hands or and arms and talking to herself trying to ignore the pain plus starting from her behind a lot of poo was there and it was to her head and even above it in a line. They showed us what had happened and I remember (maybe it was just that showed) how they had taken her brain and washed it and put it in plastic in hope of curing what she had.
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I remember one dream.
I was part of the show The Five. It was filmed (at at least 1 part) in what seems under a bridge, we or at least I had to go there swinging on a rope and I arrived late and when I was about to take my spot after the show had started they made me laugh and I said while laughing and trying to get there that I could not and they were amused by it with one saying oh oh. Then what I remember (it may of been just it) I got a breaking news (i think it restarted because i had it with me when going there [walking] then i was sitting with them and i was given the paper with it) and they did not believed me because it was insane and I gave the paper to one who read it and they realised I was not joking.
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I remember one dream (the end i may be mistaken and it may be another dream).
I was running for my life from a psychopath who had killed a lot and who looked like a mix between Russell Crowe and the character in Wolf Creek. I was in his house (cannot remember if it started there) and I made a split decision of breaking the window (the screen) like I had ran away outside and next to that window there was a pile of dirty clothes and I hid beneath it, it was very scary but it worked. After I was sure he was gone (did not wait long - the moment i knew he was at least not seeing his house anymore) I went outside and just ran. Finally I saw a SUV parked and I made arm gestures and ran towards them and the psychopath was coming so it was perfect timing they were there (1 looked like Tucker Carlson) and I started to tell them to drive away before I was in the car, they started the car and to turn around before I was in. We drove away and the psychopath was near but we easily got away. Then (this is the part im not sure was really part of that dream) my parents went for errands and I asked them to drop me somewhere so I could do at least one and look around the few stores (it was Ste-Florence or here but where they dropped me was more like a place in Saint-Hubert) and also I wanted to go to the job center because I got a fee of 30$ with my check (saw a flashback of 2 months before when they did something for me and explained that fee which then i thought was going to be for 1 time) and I said to my parents that it was insane to take away money from welfare checks. I know at least one part is missing from my memory.
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I remember one dream.
A man who was a dad was in a music store (maybe something else happened before) and a bodyguard or someone else with bodyguards were sent in the store for a celebrity and that one would go in front and the man (looked like Tony Danza in Who's The Boss) said so I will miss my plane to go see my child because of that person and he was told yes and I think he said I do not think say. Then after a few things which I do not recall Vin Diesel as the character he plays in XXX was in a big car with some of the bad guys including the woman from the first movie, he was not really supposed to be there but they were taking all their energy on people following them, after a few things I do not remember he asked if they gad a snowboard and a rope (maybe 1 or more things) and they said yes and he used these things but I do not remember that except him getting ready and during that time the woman who was driving had flashbacks of him and she realised he was gay which is why he had not been seen in a long time (maybe that was asked of him in the car which is why she thought of these things - 1 was from a video he had made and 1 was with the celebrity who was maybe dead - XXX asked about him before or after the things).
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I remember one dream.
I was in a hotel and suddenly water went in and a huge Shark was there eating people. Jason Statham was there too and he was with me the one trying to save us all. Big metal doors started to close some parts of the hotel and me and him plus a few other people ended up in a room that got closed up with one. Me and him said to the others to stop making noise because despite the normal walls and everything else not leaking any water the huge Shark would not have any problems breaking it down to get to us, he and I think me too looked everywhere before the warning. Then I think it was me who looked out the window, we were a few stories up but could of jump since outside was not flooded but I realised before mentioning it to the others that some parts had water (did not matter if it was super not deep) and the Shark was there too and also from the water caught people.
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