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Debbie You got a "Ding!!" That's a pet name I use when someone get's the equation or at least part of it right. The word you used is exactly the word! All I can say of that is I feel pushing away like a void or at least looking into it, where it comes from, what's in it and especially the marketing. Can't believe it's about bugs. Anywho... Yes, you're right! You DO feel the "pin-prick," sensation, like the tip of a seamstress' hemming pin. The ones you describe are pretty darn close/accurate to these. My mom sent me some sand-dollars and a beautiful little card that said, "It's amazing what nature can do and we think we're so smart." I quite agree. What's out here, is 1000 x's worse than what I feel you experienced. If I had to guess, their related, but not quite the same. And this clip found me after another word came to me, "Tamiflu?" FDA Acitomin, Water, Warning Forget about the obnoxious commercial - it's terrible, try to make it past a "Fox" thingy. What's mind-boggling is the "Tamiflu" part... Influenza and what happens to FEEL precisely like what I would deem as Bird-Mites have the ability I FEEL to spread both bacterium and VIRUSES which is why I post this here. At least here, there are photos, symptoms and I'm personally, lol, seemingly having to sacrifice my own physical vehicle for whatever reason and for that same reason, especially when it comes to having to watch a child endure something along these lines...I'll do it. The rest? Well, we can either ignore it, or possibly scratch the head among "other areas" you won't enjoy and go hmmmmm, how can I not infect or bring these things into the home? My husband has the influenza issue. I'm currently fighting it w/my own instincts. Just be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to the description of WHERE I LIVE and under WHAT CONDITIONS. I also suggest strongly if you have a good Dr. and something doesn't make sense, either ask or tell them some idiot cream @ $50.00 a pop doesn't help. For now this is the best I can do. Thank you for the Diasic word thing. It's been driving me nutz! 
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You're welcome, Elleise. Your situation is certainly one worth monitoring. It is not like you hear about stuff like this on the news or journalist type programming.
Debbie Grejdus Spirituality Site Editor Spirituality Forum Moderator
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Hi Debbie ((hugs)) all around,
And, as usual - You're "SPOT-ON!"
You're right. And it's not something you'll hear on the news and for good reason too.
See, well...People wouldn't be able to handle it and go into a panic or actually look into where money is going in these reserves which harbor such things as geese, deer, ducks, mice, rats and so on. A protective environment supplemented by the GV.
Oh, BTW, watch out for something about saving the sky Star Watchers and some implemented energy per household use and lighting issues for joining. Communities will get GV money for joining, but you'll have to change whatever your outside lighting happens to be for the "collective's" enjoyment of a clear sky. This will be both rural and suburbs or CITY people and taxes, etc.
This part, though, back to the bugs, actually makes it all worth while and trying so hard not to laugh, seriously.
So, made a bet w/my husband. It helps to have connections of your own too BTW, meaning take initiative and notice things that don't make sense or feel right in your body. Don't just hand over your individuality to people, especially Dr's spun out like bubble gum balls anymore, for this "health-thingy."
Do your OWN homework and know who to trust. The words ("Spies Like Us," it's a movie) just popped in my head. So basically, it'll tie in here somewhere. Don't trust just anyone.
On a good note, there AREstill some good people, who are actually out there trying to help. Dr's and all!
Trying to help, myself, with this experience and what to look for ahead of time before it goes through 5000 pages of whatever, can save a lot of trouble. I can't imagine just sitting by watching this happen.
Back to the bet.
I won. But, actually didn't want to.
I had some additional blood-work done. Meaning, I had already had some done earlier to rule "things" out. I also know when something's out of whack, including medications. (so I guess I won 2 bets).
The bet was (quote-unquote):
"Mark these words. I'm going to say them, write them down and put them in a sealed envelope. When this is said and done, you open that envelope and pay up." Lol
I wrote, "Mark these words. They will try and spin this somehow, someway into some sort of a malnutrition dealy. Don't know how, but they'll go that route instead of dealing w/what this really is, all the way around.
We (my husband and I) were going back and forth. Kind of an argument.
I like my Dr., but also feel she's influenced by something outside of her own whatever...instincts, intellect, could even be protocol or the influence of a husband or group?
Now, my husband was upset with me when I wanted to continue seeing this person. I was adamant! This goes back to his saying this person wasn't in our plan anyway. Not even looking at him I said, "Check again..." There they were! He misspelled the name.
The "New Bug In Town" my feelings anyway, are, these are "Bird-Mites" or a mutation of. Some, the infected ones, carry diseases and viruses, just like say the "West-niles" virus everybody knows about.
These are a "Freddie-Krueger-Nightmare" compared to that. A gift of nature that keeps on giving...they'll call it the flue or something, you'll get a big-time runaround!
So on top of this I have a residual head injury.
I chose NOT to go to the hospital and ring up a bill I could never pay. So, now that I have a "neuro-person" to see, what do you know?
My husband read my blood report and I've a vitamin B deficiency that holds symptoms that just happen to mimic exactly everything I have, bugs and all.
With such an ailment, a deficient vitamin could produce in a stellar healthy adult (aside the head-thing)...most certainly this would, beyond any doubt, be the Head-Line-News of the century!
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You may very well have a vitamin B deficiency. I take a Super B-complex supplement to support my system and improve my energy level. I am a low energy level kind of person anyway, especially with the blood pressure meds I am on. Even so, that diagnosis of yours is not going to explain all those welts on you and feeling the pricks of being bitten. Increasing your B vitamin intake by foods or supplements my help your energy level, but it won't take care of the BIG problem.
I find that younger doctors are more apt to consider options outside the box as opposed to older doctors more set in their ways. I fortunately really like my doctors and I find they usually are very helpful when I have issues, which thankfully are few.
I like that you won the bet, but yes, I can see where you did not want to.
Debbie Grejdus Spirituality Site Editor Spirituality Forum Moderator
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Hi Debbie, Yes, I take the vitamin B-complex and B12 and the Women's One A Day and most people DO IN FACT (can't stress that enough for a reason) have, especially in the cooler months a deficiency of some sort via, D, C, etc. I don't feel we're always at 100% on everything. THIS????? Not so much... I'm finally getting the pieces together and share them in ways that help prevent others from having to go through it themselves, INCLUDING this health reform thingy. So, I don't watch the news but for RARELY. Meaning like once in a blue-moon. So there's news about a boy infected by a rat with rate-bite-fever (out of CA). Close.... Birds Carriers of Lyme Bacteria This is what I feel to be closer. A rat (an infected one) or let's bring it closer to home... perhaps mouse?????? infected, with mites feeding from it which actually come from the spider family...work their way into the system of birds via, these mites, deer with lyme-virus, infect the birds thus spreading certain bacteriums.  As of now, both my husband and I have some sort of lung infection we're both fighting. It's strong enough to close your airways on some days, yet wimpy enough simply to give you the "chills" under a heating blanket on High. So, it's there, then it's not, there, not, etc. It also or WE rather have other symptoms such as stiff joints, neck, elbows, knees, even toe joints. Even a vitamin deficiency which...I fear for the next person that gets this, will get the run-around and NEVER be afraid to fire a Dr! You're the boss. YOU PAY THE BILLS (hopefully). You DO WANT A DR> THAT LISTENS...otherwise you'll get something along the lines of, "You need a psychiatrist" for ehemm...not going along w/a b.s. diag. (I can only offer what's happening here, but can back up the stages as well. Not everyone will end up going through what we are). P.S. start getting your medical records when you leave AND in writing on paper. There's a reason for that as well 
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Where did I leave off...
Oh (pause/trying to think) K! We're doing this together if you're reading this at this moment, but time as we understand it has both abstract and consequence:
I pray sincerely NO ONE has to endure what I/WE do. However, the photos that are posted are of BOTH myself AND my husband. SoOOooo, a "vitamin def. would have to happen to BOTH of us at the same times, as well as allergies.
So, "Blood Smear" pops into my head and out the mouth. Kinda like our Creator meant it to be. I'm sure it's in my head somewhere but it popped out (apparently) at just the right time.
After another blood test it IS CONFIRMED no allergies and ULTRA HIGH VIRUS CELLS...
I'm caring for myself w/what I know and can do without going into debt and pay my Dr. bills.
I have to pace Dr. bills. However, I will NOT pay for someone's service that is faulty and/or threatening (we'll get into that later).
Get a GOOD DR and/or second opinion while you can, is all I can say for now which is something... I perhaps (myself) might consider.
Incoming - "JUSTINE" (you'd have to think about it as well as a movie, "It Could Happen TO YOU").
I have a GREAT primary and she's on the precise track! Outside of that?????
"Ephelompts and woozles..."(I hate it when they're right, lol. It's a pain!).
Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 02/27/14 06:04 PM.
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I wish that someone in the medical profession would figure this all out and finally put a name to it. I am not surprised with the high virus level in your system. You are certainly battling something there. You and your husband can't be the only two people who have gone through this or are currently going though this.
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We're not. However, I'm willing to do this so that others don't have to go through piles of paperwork and B.S. politic deals and CDS whatevers to get it out there. It is what it is. I have it documented in photos and paper and bloodwork. That's it. Don't want anything, just letting THE PEOPLE KNOW the standard protocol as of now is, "Miss and Dismiss." You're "Old" if you're over 40. Really? And BTW - the next stance will probably be something else with a new election. Be careful this time around (Truth-eyes). I'm a woman and not necessarily convinced that a woman this time around would be the best thing...more of the same. A real leader goes without in order to help. That's what you need to look for - those are my feelings, etc. whatever... To reform an individual you could consider "Marriage." It's a wedding, with something along the lines of, "Speak NOW or forever hold your peace." As of now - it's "Speak NOW or FOREVER hold your peace." I choose to speak NOW! BELOW is exactly WHAT NOT TO BELIEVE! After 30,000 yrs Gian Virus Resurects - right! "They've," (I feel) have known it all along. It's up to you.
Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 03/03/14 07:59 PM.
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It's been forever, but I just seem to find things or say things that get answers done. I'm clicking through this and don't remember posting this so much, but reading through it NOW? Bird Mites Don't Infest or Live off Human Blood The first line is BUNK! Yes, they can and do and not only that, will do this thing where you've got a bull's-eye-thingy. From there it goes from organ to organ, including eyes, athsma (when you've never had it) ears, UTI's...you've got to fight it off as long as you can. Taking antibiotics or shots - an individual's decision. However, I opted to have my BODY identify invasions due to my feelings it's long-term. I feel badly about this, but this is the truth! After I visited my parents (haven't seen them in like over min. 6 yrs., my mom ended up really sick 2-3 weeks after we visited her). They have one trip a year. She told me they almost cancelled and needed an inhaler. Weird, I needed one too, but it was an expired one that opened my lungs. IF YOU LIVE IN WOODED AREAS, cover up, leave shoes OUTSIDE (at least of bedroom) hopefully you have tile floors, and SHOULD you CHOOSE to go into the woods with heavy leaf pile-ups, (basically, an area that doesn't use GV funds to clear out what they're supposed to, etc. bypass) Those are my feelings and those are the things I'm doing as of now until this mess is cleaned up. (smiles on the inside) 
Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 03/03/14 08:41 PM.
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Elleise...how are you fairing with this? I miss talking to you!
Oh, I'm seeing that you are no longer going public with this. I hope that you'll pm me? God Bless :)
Last edited by Shannon Lee Wolf; 07/10/15 05:58 AM.
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