in Las Vegas you can get a boob job for $3,500. in Miami you can get one for $900 to $1,500. They have wars on billboards advertising the prices there! in Mexico the price runs from $1,200 to $2,000.
When I was a late teenager I checked this out and where I lived it was about 2,000$ for each so about 4,000$. I decided to let that go when I became an adult. They are small but they are firm and the same size. Sure it would be nice to have big breasts but I don't have to have ugly big breasts so I am staying with cute small breasts.
Considering you are dealing with body parts I do not think this is a big amount of money. If one day I decide to have a plastic surgery done I for sure will go to the best surgeon available and I will pay what he says it will cost.
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