I have just watched the 'Protection' episodes which was about social services and the way they deal with the "protection" of children. I have just had to deal with people from social services and this episode shows just how arrogant and interfering these women can be.
Even though some of them have never met my son, he has been labeled dangerous and evil and I know this is for racial and religious intolerance reasons. They are encouraging my daughter in law not to let him see his disabled daughter or his step daughter. All this because my daughter in law will not tell the truth about her behaviour because she is afraid that social services will take the children away.
She has told them she is the drama queen and that my son is not the one causing the problems but these women who come into their home to investigate would rather blame my son than listen to what my daughter in law has to say.
The British social services is run by a bunch of misandrists who have obviously been upset by men in the past and have labelled all men as domestic abusers. Feminists like these women ruin lives by trying to keep the fathers away and these young women single so they can control their live. These women should be be removed from these positions. When my grand daughter was diagnosed with Spina Bifida one social worker told my daughter in law to abort the baby and go out and have some fun!
My son took on a woman and her daughter and his own daughter is disabled. He is the kindest, most caring dad I have seen and even my daughter in law has said this to them many times, but the now record states that my son is a domestic abuser, (even though we have video evidence of my daughter in law verbally and physically abusing my son)and no one will listen to us. No one wants to admit they made a mistake and they are continuing to make my son's life miserable by trying to stop him from seeing his child.
This episode showed the true nature of the interference that social workers are guilty of and that they do not always get it right. After all they are only human beings not miracle workers. We even witnessed one of the interfering social workers shouting at and smacking her kids at the train station, she ran off when she saw us!
I think these women, and men, should take a step back from their insistence that they are ALWAYS right and admit that most of the time they are just interfering in people's live to boost their own inflated egos. I am sure there are children out there who need help, (I was one of those children but no one helped me) but to slander, vilify and cause defamation of character of a man who is only trying to be a good father to his child is unforgivable.
The BBC did a good job showing up the arrogance and ignorance of women who work for the Social Services, I just wish I had a forum or outlet to tell our story. I don't actually know anyone who has a good word to say about this service and there should be more shows like this to highlight the negativity that social services brings when it enters your life.
Last edited by Linda19; 01/21/15 03:38 AM.