I report abuse. Child, male, female, feline, canine.
Abuse is simple to define yet complexed coming forward as court systems and suits can turn it this way and that.
To me abuse is endangering, disintegration of another's life, by an external will enter person boundaries set willingly if able, yet there are those unable to speak for themselves, such as children and or pets, the elderly and those whom themselves find decisions made embarrassing and for one reason or another can nor or again are unable to speak for themselves.
Yes, I do my best w/out being a pest or going out of my way to become a nuisance or gossip or engage in either or.
A child is a gift. Maltreatment? You've got to stand where a little one has no understanding quite yet of this world.
Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 03/15/14 08:14 PM.