diva123 - All you need is Mastic Gum Extract. Take the capsule form, two caps in the morning and two caps at night. A month will not do you any good. This is a two year process. You cannot skip any days for the next two years. This bacteria is extremely tenacious. You can also take Vibramycin for the next two years, but I do not recommend it unless you stock up on probiotics, and take those between doses of antibiotics. I was cured of H-pylori by taking Mastic Gum Extract for two year, and this was 15 years ago. My oldest daughter had an acne condition, and was given Vibramycin for two years for acne, and she was healed from H-pylori. My other children have tried honey, and other things which do not work. Licorice is useless, and unless you are taking the Extract form of Mastic Gum, you are wasting time and money. Recently I started having acid reflux again after all of these years. I started taking Mastic Gum Extract again. From the 1st time you take it, it will stop acid reflux, but don't stop taking it for two years, or else it will come back within 7 to 30 days. My mother was struck with paralyzed vocal cords from the acid reflux caused by H-pylori. She cannot speak, eat, drink, or barely breathe, and has dropped to 95lbs. Acid reflux can also cause cancer of the esophagus. It's important to not stop taking Mastic Gum Extract for two years once you begin.