I understand Grief...
Mostly, not always, but if a person seeks me out specifically, there's usually a "Cloud." You feel the heaviness, the cunfusion, sadness, etc.
It can also be about transitions, finances, jobs, even just guidance from an outside perspective.
But I agree w/the people I've come in contact with that there are no short-cuts. Grief is something that can take some longer than others...it's kind of like medicine. Each person processes it differently.
Especially w/a loved one, be it a child, husband, partner wife, relative...the best things I've found to help are,:
1.) Don't block them out. When you want to cry out of sadness, do.
2.) Music, memories of the person, scents, etc. Don't be afraid to process those emotions as well.
3.) Finding gorups of people that get it. They've gone through it. You don't have to seek medicine right away, but certainly, it can help at times.
4.) But most importantly, knowing nothing ever disappears entirely. It merely transforms and you carry it w/you for better or worse, with beginnings and ending and beginnings, once again