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The universe sends you what you need. The universe will gently keep sending you that message until you listen to it.
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BellaOnline Editor Koala
BellaOnline Editor Koala
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I can understand an aversion to spiders, especially the really large ones. I'm not sure how I would react to those. But, where I live, the smaller spiders are a happy addition to my garden. After all, without them, I would lose much of the fruits and vegetables I grow to the bugs that they eat. So I am quite fond of some of them and tolerant of the others.
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BellaOnline Editor Elephant
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Although spiders give me the willies if they are too big, generally I leave them alone when they are outside. If they are inside in my living space, then all bets are off. They are promptly smooshed and removed.
Debbie Grejdus Spirituality Site Editor Spirituality Forum Moderator
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Thanks for all of the replies and YES, Lisa, I've heard something along those lines as well...like spiders are drawn to certain people and have a Spiritual significance. Ironically - TRUE STORY! Just today, went to my new Dr. and my husband has seen it happen. I'll be in the kitchen and of all the places, one parachuttes off the ceiling right above my head and you see him blow cheeks puffed out and all and yank me away, lol. But today, I'm at the front desk, waiting for a follow-up schedule appt. and this spider walks past my feet/toes. Stops, turns around (We both look down and and I'm like you gotta be #$%^&-me) he opens the door for me, I walk through it and he goes, "Hon...it's following right behind you...." It actually sped up to catch up to me. I just look at the sky, shake my head, like - I give up, lol
Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 09/03/13 08:48 PM.
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The last spider I saw was two or three nights ago in the downstairs bathroom. It was on the ceiling and I saw it when I was getting my things ready for my shower, it freaked me out more than normal because it was right where the switch is so it could of fallen right on me when I went into the bathroom. I was able to catch it with a Swiffer mop, left the cadaver for my mom (always write a note saying where it is when this happens at night).
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Elleise - If I could "like" your post I would!! See, it likes you, and it wants to bring you good luck! It cares about you . I know you will have joy in your life .
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Sandra - it is wonderful that your garden spiders are helping to keep your plants safe from bugs! They're like your free, 24-hour-day gardening crew .
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I have awesome news! It is just Too Cool! I now have a beautiful orb weaver spider building one of those gorgeous spiral webs in my office, right in front of me!! It is like a master architect! It wants to inspire me, like a dreamcatcher, and also keep me safe from those pesky little gnats that have been around . What a good doobie!
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BellaOnline Editor Elephant
BellaOnline Editor Elephant
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I had one of those guys here as well, but he was too close to my front door. The web was pretty and all, but I used a shovel to transport the spider to the wooded border of the yard. Boy he was a fast mover!
Debbie Grejdus Spirituality Site Editor Spirituality Forum Moderator
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Thanks Lisa, It's comin' like sprinkles...not all at once, but I'm getting those affirmations as you mention. You must have a bit of the ol' Irish/Native American sensitivity yourself My husband said yesterday, it feels like a pin-hole of light, but solid one. He's the "Joe" of "Allison's" Medium (the t.V. show). In his words: "It's all energy and a huge imbalance going on right now of gargantuan proportions. People (their beings) are sifting through or trying to, decide which side to invest their own energy. But even spiders, which wanted so badly to show how much good-luck was coming my way, crawled inside my ear...ewwww....when it keeps happening over and over, I call those affirmations
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