Hi Burt,
Thank you for responding to my friend request. It means so much to make a new friend. I live in Belleville, Illinois with my husband Bill and our Brittany dog girl MissyLou. We enjoy hunting, fishing and camping. I also enjoy sewing. MissyLou and I are going start puppy-be-good lessons soon and with her as my first student, I am going to learn dog training.
What do you enjoy doing?
Hi starPeridot

Thank You for your upbeat message !!!
Connie and I live in Ormond Beach FL and have to shuttle back and forth to property in Holly Hill / Daytona Beach.
We oversee an 8-room Mom & Pop Motel.
My sickness prevents me from owning property, so the house and motel is in a trust run by a tax attorney lady.
Connie is much better at dealing with the people, so for 6 months out of the year, she has to be alone running the property, and I have to run the house alone.
Well, it's a great strain on both of us and just recently she was able to move back home, "Thank You Jesus" !!!
So, you caught me at a good time.
We have 5 cats at the house and a bird which travels with Connie.
Two cats at the motel and a dog.
Goodness !!!
I have to take 3 medications in the morning and 3 at night.
Most of the time, I like to sit quietly and work out my thoughts and feelings to keep calm and stable.
Connie started an on-line garage sale about 3 years ago and has about 3000 members.
It was very difficult to keep all of those people, "playing nice", so good fortune stepped in, and now someone in Montreal Canada has figured out how to manage it well and she is in the
process of shifting everyone over to: https:
So, a lot of quiet time looking at the river, playing with the cats and watching them sleep is what I do to cope.
I've had a very horrific battle and man has it left some scars !
I just want to heal and be left alone.
I have been hospitalized, institutionalized, incarcerated, homeless, hungry and penniless several times over.
I would never, ever, ever, wish the horrors I've experienced upon my worst, worst enemy.
Just quiet alone with my thoughts is the best thing I can do now to heal.
I keep a bunch of computers running smoothly.
I smoke a lot of cigarettes, and stay in the house all day every day.
Connie and I have no education so we came to work for my dad.
We were live-in caregivers until he passed in 2009 at the age of 87 years.
I have a hard time staying and keeping upbeat because during the time that Connie and I were helping out at the motel, and serving as caregivers while hospice came to help out, my biological brothers who have college did everything they could to push Connie and I on the street.
We were already there because of our illness.
They thought it just was a lazy excuse.
It was and is not.
My Mom, Grandma and Aunt had it.
I got it real bad being the youngest.
I didn't have kids because I didn't want to pass it down.
But, Connie is back home, and I'm doing much better.
It took 25 years to find the right medication, and I'm grateful for that.
I went through a very powerful mystical experience in 1983, and I couldn't understand it, my family couldn't and the doctors could not.
I heard the Voice of God and the voices of demons.
It scared the living bejesus out of me, and ended me up in a straight-jacket.
I don't mess with any of that heavy duty mystical stuff anymore, because it is too darn frightening !!!
I understand that psychosis is an actual mystical experience, and they even say so in the Wikipedia:
But the cats and the quiet and the sunshine do much to heal me.
But, my brothers tried to physically harm me even at our father's wake.
I'm just so glad that is all over with.
I do understand though that the suppression of the female energy has been going on for centuries and I hang out in The Goddess forum a lot over here:
And I have established some good, solid friendships over there.
Welcome Aboard

I hope I can help you and your loved ones in some measure.
Burt B.