Hi Jacqueline-
You have touched my heart strings with this topic. Thanks for sharing an article well written.
I have asked the spirit world to provide you with an answer. Here is what I have heard, no brakes, and no intention to offend:
Young people of every culture suffer with identity crisis. This group of beautiful young people comes from a culture, that seems to hold little relevance in our society today.
They must be touched. Make a point to hug the children in your reservation, with love in your heart (loving and healing intentions) as you do so. Say the words that they need to hear, "I love you." They need to know that they are valued more than the need to show the rest of this nation that there is value within the culture (that will come later). In other words, there needs to be a shift in the focus - within instead of without.
They must be reminded of their value and of the unconditional love that is reserved for them. Each of us is a light, much like that of a star; pure, loving, and healing, energy. As we accept negative ideas and damaging circumstances the light from our star seems less brilliant. Many souls get lost in the darkness and when they cannot find their way out they harm themselves or others. I would say that your ancestors or elders are not off in their ideas of the darkness, but the light is where our focus needs to be. We need to see the light within and all around your youth and your reservation.
I am sending light and love to that darkness right now. A concentrated effort to do so, by everyone within your reservation, would be a greater healing. A concentrated effort by all of us and millions of others that any of us know, all at the same time, would be an even greater significance.
I wrote this article,
Raising the Vibrational Energy of Earth in an effort to get us to all concentrate of wellness throughout the planet, but it can certainly be used for a special occasion like this one.
You pick the date and time and I am willing to join. I am certain there are many, many others that would also like to be a part of the solution.
Love is greater than any darkness and we absolutely must have faith in that.
PM me if you would like to talk more.