Another challenge to "homesteading" in the suburbs is dining out. There are fast food, casual dining and affordable restaurants everywhere you turn. With or without coupons, meals can be cheap and sometimes even cheaper than making it at home.
Of course, one can always eat more frugally at home if you eat modest meals. They generally can be healthier, too.
We love to dine out as more of an activity than just to feed the body so we have to really be on guard against temptation. Many women I know express the same sentiment with dining out.
If you have little children, it is easier and more economical to eat at home but it can be a nice relief from having to shop for groceries, prep the ingredients, cook the food and then clean up all the dishes and pots and pans.
If you are motivated, then you can make quick and simple meals that are frugal and healthy, too. I will try to focus on that since no one has $$$ to waste. And yet, our food style can be considered to be wasteful with all the eating out.
This online journal will document my efforts not only to do more "homestead-y" types of activities while living in the suburbs but also apply some of Jilly's frugal strategies.
Cutting back on eating out is this week's priority. Last week, I ate out four times.
Tonight, we are grilling some chicken breasts and hearts of Romaine. Quick, easy and both were on sale.