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BellaOnline Editor Chipmunk
BellaOnline Editor Chipmunk
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I believe that being President of The United States is an extremely responsible and shifting job. There is always a problem on your table and while most people in your country want the same thing, their vantage point on the problem varies.
No matter what you do, it will never be seen as the best thing until the results show up, many years later.
So, here we are, nearing the home plate in the 2012 American Presidential Campaign. Let's get away from the name calling and mean-spirited digs being made at either candidate or party. Let's have an honest discussion about what you want in the next 4 years.
I assume, both men have an ideal of how America can be improved. I understand that they both have very different backgrounds and therefore will come at the problems of our day from different views.
No matter what country are you in I'd like to hear from you. What do you see? What do you think? Honestly, what are you looking for?
This thread is not about being rude or snide. This is a thread for honest talk.
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BellaOnline Editor Chipmunk
BellaOnline Editor Chipmunk
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From the chair I sit in, one candidate focuses a lot on equality, fairness, and inclusiveness. The other candidate focuses on money, power, and exclusiveness.
One candidate is man enough to apologize and look for a solution; the other candidate is privileged and unapologetic (almost bullying). That said, I am uncertain of which characteristics are better as the leader of a free nation.
I like the move toward equality. I think our movement in that direction could possibly spur a movement across the world. I like the apologetic persona, it says, "I am willing to truly repair and heal our relationships within our country and across the globe. Meanwhile, are others taking this persona as a weakness?
I don't care for privileged attitudes, but I think men feel it is necessary when we are at war. I wonder if it works. I think it may be possible.
I think the money/economy is very important, but I want my President to be inclusive in spreading that wealth. A manufacturing America is disappearing and we must take strides to be certain the manufacture workers have a place to restart. We cannot just take care of the wealthy and expect everyone else to do better because of it. We cannot ignore the majority of our nation and we cannot pretend that lifers of the welfare programs are the majority of the recipients.
Our current President has laid the ground work to give the middle class a chance to rebuild, hang on, and move forward. Look at the Financial Aid reform, look at the Obama Care Act (which will really help those of us that have loved ones with life threatening illnesses and diseases), look at educational programs that help Americans switch careers if they chose to. he has made an effort to mend our foreign relationships and quietly, without arrogance, managed many war efforts that have ended well.
When I ask people why they dislike our current President so much, they respond, he has not fixed the economy. To that, I say, "true." I never expected that any one term could. That said, Reagan did an amazing job fixing it in his first term. Meanwhile, I see the efforts the President has made and I think they will have great long-term results.
Others use words like communism vs socialism vs capitalism. How about Americanism? Leaving equality to individual states is scary. I think the standard for equality, in America, has to be set in the Nation's Capital. When it is left to the states, many people go too long before they get the memo. In terms of welfare and healthcare, I would like to see the States manage.
In terms of jobs, I think the biggest ticket items should be, extra taxes for companies that manufacture outside of the U.S. and more research and efforts in sustainable and green living for our country.
Your turn...
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BellaOnline Editor Chipmunk
BellaOnline Editor Chipmunk
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"I like the move toward equality. I think our movement in that direction could possibly spur a movement across the world".
From figures that are currently being openly published across the world's media there is much more of a problem with growing inequality in the USA than any of the other "Western Countries".
Studied economics and politics in both Europe and the USA, and as lovely a human being as President Reagan no doubt was it seems there is also no doubt it was his policies, or those of his advisers, which have in fact ultimately led to the problems which now have to be faced.
That they were not dealt with in the intervening years is not in dispute, however there were no doubt valid reasons, nevertheless if anyone looks up the figures, the policies and the results it is impossible not to see where the "problems" all began.
Just as Chancellor Kohl, or his advisers, believed in a "fairy tale" situation whereby the East German mark should be given immediate parity to the West Germany mark, although at the time the exchange rate was Five East German Marks to One West German Mark, which caused, and in essence continues to cause, endless problems, then President Reagan's administration also was the source of many of the problems that are being faced in the USA today.
President Obama cannot be expected surely to repair the damages accumulated from what is in fact an entire generation in one term, and he also cannot be blamed for the situation.
Can vote for neither party, this is just an opinion based on what I have learned.
Francine A. McKenna - German Culture Editor German Culture Site - German Culture Facebook Avatar: HOHENZOLLERNBRÃœCKE Cologne with CATHEDRAL and LUDWIG MUSEUM. The Bridge a symbol of how Germany was rebuilt after WWII, it was left in ruins, the Cathedral with roots in the 13th century represents the country's history, Museum of Modern Art the present day.
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I love a fresh perspective and am ALWAYS interested in the view from another country.
As I said before, it always takes years for us to see the results of what one President has done. Please forward any article links that you can, that allow me an opportunity to understand your perspective on Reagan's economics.
Inequalities in the U.S., OMG! Yes, and I think that having a President willing to admit these inequalities and address them is huge. I think the inequalities have been overlooked for so long because the office has always been held by Caucasian American men (with a matching staff). It's not a bad thing, it's just an inability to see the inequality from their vantage point.
I think another four years of fixing, from a different vantage point, could do our country a lot of good. Then, if we want to go back to our old yahoo, cowboy mannerisms, at least we have some grounding to balance us. Hopefully down the line, in the years to come, other Presidents will see the value in Obama's efforts.
Thanks for pitching in.
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Obama has failed. He has no record. Unemployment remains high, and the war still goes on in Afghanistan. 6 trillion has been added to the national debt. Obama takes responsibility for nothing. He is still blaming Bush. He lies. He ignores "Fast and Furious" and has lied about the murder of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi, claiming it was the result of a video when, in fact, it was a well-planned act of terror. In no way has Obama merited reelection. The only "hope and change" now comes with getting this joker out of the White House.
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America needs MIIT ROMNEY & PAUL RYAN more than ever. I see there is another mass shooting in Wisconsin. There may never be perfection on earth, but there will be more stability in America with a MITT ROMNEY WHITE HOUSE.
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Gallup - 52% Romney, 45% Obama. No presidential candidate up by 50% or more in Gallup Poll in late October has ever lost the election.
It is time to TAKE BACK AMERICA!
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BellaOnline Editor Chipmunk
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Hey Jim-
Glad to see you here. Who is taking America back and who has taken it hostage?
I realize we have different lives and backgrounds thus, different view points on what the President has done right and wrong.
I don't think he keeps blaming things on others. I think he does a very good job of owning responsibility of things; more so than most Presidents I have ever witnessed.
I also think Bhengazi is something bigger than any of us knows. I admire the President taking a moment to investigate what occurred instead of jumping on the moment and coming across like a cowboy. I did not like that attitude after 911 and I did not like our celebration after Bin Laden.
I do think, when it comes to security issues and war, we cannot know everything upfront because our public knowledge is public knowledge for the enemy. I am hopeful that behind the scenes, something is being done.
Remember, war is war and there is never a winner.
Lies? Well, I'm not certain any candidate has ever been totally truthful and I could say the same about Romney that you say about Obama. We will not find out though unless Romney becomes President and shows us what he is truly made of.
Last edited by Yvonnie-Inspired; 10/21/12 07:44 PM.
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There are so many articles Yvonnie, looking up Reaganomics will find them quite easily.
Here is a fairly recent one Debunking the Reagan Myth
There are a mass of analyses by various European experts and media outlets but this is written by an American which I thought would be better.
The Washington Post carries quite a few also............in fact there are many, and they are much more recent than this.
At the time when the president was lowering taxes and borrowing like crazy, those in Europe were open mouthed with surprise/horror that he was doing this in the circumstances. The opinion was he was building up trouble for later. Although he was genuinely popular over here.
Am aware that in the last months Europe has been blamed in the US for many of the world's current financial problems, but actually if one traces it back that is not accurate.
The subprime crash in the US began the fall of an economic pack of cards around the world, and the basis for the circumstances which were in place to enable a situation that could bring about such a crash was in fact laid in the years of the Reagan administration.
Just for your interest here is a link to an economics magazine which is respected world wide:
Which leader has most lifted confidence in America's economic future?
It leads to an interesting article and graph.
Francine A. McKenna - German Culture Editor German Culture Site - German Culture Facebook Avatar: HOHENZOLLERNBRÃœCKE Cologne with CATHEDRAL and LUDWIG MUSEUM. The Bridge a symbol of how Germany was rebuilt after WWII, it was left in ruins, the Cathedral with roots in the 13th century represents the country's history, Museum of Modern Art the present day.
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BellaOnline Editor Chipmunk
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Thank for sharing. In fact, after our previous exchange I did look up articles and found quite a few.
That said, I cannot stress enough the value I have for International perspectives. So, always feel free to share International Journalists articles as well.
The Current Events' Forum seems to me a perfect place to share World Wide Current Events. Especially since, in America, we rarely get the perspectives or news of other nations.
Not long ago, when one would Google a topic, they could get many perspectives on it. These days, when you Google a topic, they send you information they think you would be interested in. So, while we might consider this assistance, it turns out to be a handicap; our world perspective is very limited.
Keep sharing Francine. A fresh perspective is always welcome.
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