As you might be able to tell, all of my homesteading efforts were derailed this winter. Family drama, health issues. Work.
In any case, I have recommitted myself to frugal living, homesteading and living least to the degree with which I am comfortable. Sorry, no toilet composting for me while I live in my current living situation.
My husband and I have gone over our family budget and decided to cut unnecessary costs, namely in the extra cable boxes in our home. We had six at one point. Now we are down to only two. Yay! Other cost-cutting:
1. Cable boxes (already mentioned that)
2. Unnecessary memberships (online shopping, gym) and subscriptions.
3. Cutting back on bottled water.
4. Cutting two Disneyland passes out this year (hubby and son don't go very often but I insist on making that available to my daughter who has a terminal illness.)
5. Cutting meals out.
6. Using a weekly food budget.
7. Cutting out theater movies for Date Nights (We will keep Netflix.)
8. No more late fees, bounced check charges. (Sounds like a no-brainer but we've proven to have no brains.)
9. Switching cell phone carrier for me in order to cut bill in half.
10. Being more frugal in my meal choices.
Food is the one area where we can easily downsize without any pain if I only get creative.