Fear and addiction, what do they have in common? I've wondered about their connection a lot too. Let's look at it this way; nothing destroys an individual as fast as fear. I like to think of fear as being a spirit and having a language of its own. Fear attacks your confidence, your will power and presents an image of a weaker you. It is fear that makes people worry about tomorrow and forget to enjoy today. Fear makes people preempt problems that hasn't even surfaced and because they anticipate problems, worry about failures and disappointments, their fears give birth to those things that they worry about. If you still wonder what fear has got to do with addiction, ask a celebrity what he or she fears the most, you'll find celebrities who tell you that their biggest fear is waking up to discover they can no longer do those things that put them in limelight. Other celebs may tell you they dread dropping their position in the chart. And because they want to remain on top of their careers, they take drastic measures to achieve this. Some of these measures range from denying themselves of proper rest, denying themselves of sleep, healthy meals, (some stop eating altogether) and they begin to depend heavily on drugs and other stuff to keep up their strength. People in this category first like to believe they're just taking vitamins but they eventually begin to overdose and then get addicted to these drugs without knowing how far they've gone. Here are some fears that could be leading people into addictions:
Fear of failure: You have reached the top of your career, your fan base has increased greatly and you feel the pressure to continue to deliver. And because of this pressure, you ignore your body's hint to take a break.Instead, you do a little something to subdue that alert. Your own little something may be consuming large amount of caffeine, taken in divers forms. You must however note that,If your system has gotten used to caffeine, you'll discover that a cup of coffee has lost it's magical effect. You find yourself needing more cups to give you same effect and eventually, you'll turn to drugs or other substance to help keep you on the top of your game.
Fear of uncertainties : Life itself is a risk and I'm sure you've heard that a lot too. It is true, we do not know what tomorrow would bring. Your job is to do your best today, work towards being the best in your career and grow in a healthy way. pursuing unhealthy competitions or constantly worrying about problem that haven�t and may not even happen, would definitely make you a worry-addict and trust me, worry addiction is just as deadly as any kind of addiction.