Okay, so I have an issue. I appreciate that in children's shows and movies today, they at least attempt to keep adults entertained as well by throwing in some humor that may be a little above kids heads, just to keep things interesting. I don't like it, though, when this attempt consists of material that is just inappropriate for kids. My latest example would be the movie Puss in Boots. It was a good movie! But I grew tired of, and didn't appreciate, the references to him being such a "great lover"- really? In a kids movie? My four year old asked me what a lover was! In the beginning of the movie, when trying to sneak out of a room after a tryst with a kitty (you know the signs...), he called her by the wrong name and she meowed loudly, prompting him to stammer onto the right one. My four year old wondered why he forgot her name, and I couldn't even begin to explain that scenario- I just told her he was tired. Is this really necessary, just to add a few laughs (for those who find it funny)? What are your thoughts?
Last edited by Chana- Children's TV; 04/11/12 11:10 PM.