A little more than 6 years ago I posted my first article as the editor of the Boy Scout site for BellaOnLine. In the next couple of days in I will be posting my last. The time demands in my business life have eroded away the time I can dedicate to this Scouting website. Scouting has done so much for me that I can't continue as editor when I can't devote the time to the site that it deserves.
The site has grown significantly in the last six years because you have contributed thoughts, ideas and comments that have been shared by many. I have been amazed at the people I have met simply because we shared the same experience of Scouting. It has been a wonderful journey.
The senior editor staff will be looking for a new editor so if you have an interest in taking over, please contact them.
I thank you for your time, patience, comments and direction. Scouting will continue to grow and be strong only with the help and support of dedicated adult volunteers. Please keep up the good work. I close this Scouting endeavor the same way I closed all of our Scout meetings... On my honor, I will do my best.