Normally i'd construct some sort of complicated No Tambien phrase.
Hi Jilly!
Using No + Tambi�n is very common among people learning Spanish. But that's not right.
Instead of saying: "Tampoco soy alta.", people use the wrong constructions "Tambi�n no soy alta." or "No soy alta tambi�n.".
As said before, this is quite common among students. But what I found really incredible is when I was listening to a conversation between 2 men, both from the North of Spain, and one of them answered:
"Yo tampoco no tengo hambre tampoco."
This is wrong! So, as you can see, even native Spanish speakers don't always apply rules the right way!
By the way, the correct form would be: "Yo tampoco tengo hambre."
Hope this helps!
Last edited by Angeles F. - Spanish language Host; 02/10/12 12:24 PM.