Sandra -
I apologize for not seeing your post earlier.
I listed out in great detail what I ran into here -
Lisa's Unhappy Ebay SituationThat was in 2009. I completely swore off ebay as a result.
In the past few months I have been cautiously trying them again. I put tracking on everything. Mostly I have sold plastic Nintendo game cases - so very little money. I also sold two hair removal units (about $20 each). I then sold 2 ancient stereo receivers and both were hand-delivered to the buyer. Oh and a cloak. So 9 transactions and no problem at all with any of them yet.
So maybe I have been lucky, or maybe the scammers are no longer infesting ebay as strongly as they used to.
I currently have 4 jewelry items and 1 remote control on ebay, all at buy-it-now prices. So we will see how those go.