Getting enough sleep is not just a good way to stay young looking, it can be just as important and diet and exercise for weight loss and leading a healthy lifestyle. You can improve your beauty sleep by making seven to nine hours of sleep a priority every day.
* 1. Work out in the morning or early evening. When you work out at night, it elevates your stress hormones and increases body temperature. Both can make it difficult for you to fall asleep.
* 2. Manage your stress levels during the day, and it helps to improve your beauty sleep. Stress hormones can be detrimental to getting a good, recuperative nights sleep.
* 3. Sleep in complete darkness. It helps to optimize the body's melatonin hormones, which are advantageous to healthy sleep patterns.
* 4. Break any bad sleeping habits you have formed to improve beauty sleep. Studies have linked poor sleep habits with abdominal fat and heart disease. You should get seven to nine hours of continual sleep per day. This number is not the same if added up from two to three naps throughout the day.
* 5. Get comfortable. To improve beauty sleep you must be comfortable and supported when you sleep. Purchase a new pillow top mattress, or ask your doctor for a recommendation on a good mattress.
* 6. Moisturize before bed. To improve your skin's beauty while you sleep, use firming eye creams, lip balms and hand creams while you sleep. This can help your skin stay younger looking all day.