Angela ... it sounds like you are going to be drastically UNDER-dressed for "glacier-viewing.
Part of any good inland passage cruise includes a couple of glaciers - right up close and personal. In June, that means SNOW & ICE and lots of cold air/wind. Unless you want to view from inside a glassed in area (not nearly the same as looking at it with no barriers), you will want a heavy coat (a "light" down-fill coat with a sweater underneath might suffice), warm gloves, a scarf and a woolie cap. Wool socks would be a good idea too.
If you want some photos of my last "glacier viewing" trip (in July), send the Alaska Editor a private email and she can forward it to me. I'll shoot the photos straight to you.
Your upcoming trip sounds SO exciting! It'll be an unforgetable trip for you, to be sure ... and you may find more than a few places to wear that coat, depending on your itiniary.

Deb in AK