On the Internet there are many lists of "Famous Atheists," "Quotes by Atheists," "Famous Agnostics," and "Famous Deists." Except for one list about Deists, I found all of them that I saw to be very inaccurate. Or do you really believe that the United States had two presidents, James Madison and William Howard Taft, that were atheists? Or how about Emily Dickenson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mark Twain, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein?- all were erroneously labeled as atheists.

Reader beware!

Why do you think the belief systems of so many people are labeled incorrectly?

Just because Twain is quoted as saying "if Christ was here there is one thing that he would not be- a Christian," did not make him an atheist, or an agnostic, or a deist as some of the lists asserted. Ok, he also said "if there is a God, he is a malign thug" yet Twain/Clemens was a questioning the established religions Presbyterian.

If you would like to take a look at the article which will be featured on May Day, Lists of Famous Atheists, Agostics, and Deists, please click the link below:

Atheist/Agnostic site

Last edited by Les-Mexico, Ath/Agnostic; 04/21/11 10:08 PM.