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BellaOnline Editor Koala
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I caught most of this show on History International last night and it was well worth the time. I had heard of a scientist back in the 1800's who weighed people as they were dying. For one subject there was an immediate weight difference, but it was less than an ounce. He theorized this was the weight of the soul. I did not know of a studies division at the University of VA that has amassed 2500+ documented cases of reincarnation memories in children.
The story of James from Louisiana was amazing. He was about 2 when the nightmares started, and his parents were confounded by the exact repetition of his pounding and kicking. As James grew, more information was revealed in conversation and artwork. His parents were amazing. Instead of dismissing, they began researching. They were able to not only identify their son's previous life, but verify things he had said, and items from the previous life were generously shared.
As a child, his artwork was signed with James3. When the parents learned the James before was a junior, the 3 suddenly made sense. James also told his Father, he had picked them to be his parents while they were vacationing at a Pink Motel. These are just two of the many validations presented in the show.
How the parents worked to reconcile their son's past life of a Navy Pilot, shot down over the Pacific in WWII was heartwarming. They took him to that spot and held a private memorial. James3 was allowed to grieve his former life and move forward with this one. As of the show's production, he was 12 and commented he no longer remembers the bad parts of his former life, just the good. He doesn't talk with his friends about it, but if someone asks, he answers truthfully.
It was strking to hear a scientist state there is evidence a part of us can and apparently does survive outside of our human body and brain. Some of these scientists are actually coming around! It's about time.
Last edited by lcp012586; 02/05/11 10:23 AM.
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BellaOnline Editor Elephant
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My daughter when she was 3-4 yrs. had a similar story she would tell me.
She told me she picked me to be her mother because her other mother was still in Heaven. Just out of the blue.
She didn't go to daycare or preschool and we didn't do the Barney thingy, she was outside with me in the garden or the kitchen.
But as she developed her verbal skills she would give more information. She told me her other mother had red hair and green eyes and their home had hay on the roof. She also said, fire was inside the house. That's how grandma cooked. Grandma lived w/them.
I did ask questions subtly, like, "What happened to your other mother?"
She said, "She stayed there looking for me. We had dirt roads"
I said, "Where were you?"
She said, "I fell through a hole in the bridge and the angels carried me up."
I said, "A hole in the brige, that must have been scary!"
She said, "I wasn't scared. After I went through the hole I hit my head on the rocks and floated up right away. Then the angels came right away and everyone was looking for me. "
Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 02/08/11 05:17 AM.
wow thats a great gift your daughter has there eleise, if thats not proof of reincarnation then i dont know what is? for someone so young to come out with those words are amazing ,you have a very gifted child there who will become a great psychic im sure.
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This is amazing that you brought this up, lcp. I have been reading about Lee Lawrence and his theories on science of the soul. Very interesting subject that holds a lot of truth. Elleise, your daughter is on a wonderful spiritual path. I hope she retains her abilities and follows her true path in life -- which I am sure she will. Another source on this subject is The Science of the Soul by Kevin Favero. I would like to read that book.
Last edited by Phyllis, Native American; 02/08/11 05:15 PM.
Walk in Peace and Harmony. Phyllis Doyle Burns Avatar: Fair Helena by Rackham, Public Domain
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Thank you Phyllis  Yes, she when she was living with me had a huge nack for answering questions before I'd even open my mouth. We also had dreams like, I would dream she came to visit me in my bedroom and I'd be in the kitchen and she'd come down the stairs rubbing her eyes and say, I had a dream you visited me last night. LCP this is a facinating subject! I hadn't heard of Lee Lawrence until now, but I had heard the theory of weight change once a person passes. I'd love to see more research on this. Someone once asked me how I felt a Soul entered a human body and when. Is it after birth, before? I said, it seems or feels like electricity (best way I can put it) and I feel it enters the moment of conception. If a Soul had weight wouldn't it be subject to gravity? It seems conciousness would have a hard time going between realms, but maybe it's of a substance than can break apart and reassemble when a seperate force is pulling it toward it? I wonder if a person in a coma or having an out of body eperience would have a weight change as well?
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BellaOnline Editor Koala
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This program included information of research conducted on people in comas, considered to be in a vegetative state. First they did MRI scans on healthy people and asked them to visualize playing tennis when the doctor said the word "tennis." The MRI showed the portion of the brain active once tennis was said. With the comatose patients, the MRI showed very similar activity in the same parts of the brain.
I've always believed people when they commented their loved one was "still in there," even though completely unresponsive. However, the out of body experience might actually yield a miniscule body weight difference. But perhaps less than at the moment of death, as there is still connection with the body.
i dont think the soul weighs anything but as it is still pure energy it may be possible? you cant destroy energy it always exists thats why when someone sees an apparition or a sighting its energy that has been left behind. our bodies are made up of magnetic energy? some of this can be seen in the removal quickly of a woollen jumper in the dark we will glow and spark. when the magnetic energy drops and disperses life ceases to be and the souls energy moves on. the subconscious mind where we know things is the souls direct information to the conscious mind so we can assume that the subconscious mind is indeed the soul itself.if the soul had weight it would be subject to gravity but i doubt that it has eleise. out of body experiences are when the soul seperates by its own choice even when the person is still alive? it is a puzzler as to why it would want to roam, its power must be so great that nothing is impossible for it to do.
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I think it interesting to find if another energy that has passed that is similar in personality can be connected to us. Then I think about if re-carnation happens and you can remember dreams of a certain time. Yet you were not a live then or can a spirit that connects to you when born is showing you things. Sometimes can act as a guide to help. I'm not sure on my end.
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I found the story about James at James - Proof of Reincarnation? It is a very interesting story. From my own experiences (visions, memories, dreams) I know it is possible to reincarnate. In countries where belief in reincarnation is part of their faith/religion, there have been many cases over the years of children who remembered past lives. I once read a story of a young mother (here in America) who remembered a past life in Ireland. In researching, she found the cottage where she lived in that previous life -- and found the people who were her children in that past life. They were still living and older than her in this life. She met with them and they confirmed that this woman must be their mother who died. I wish I could find that story. It was very touching. As for the soul having any weight, that is difficult to believe - yet, less than an ounce is not a whole lot. I always thought of the soul as energy containing memories. A soul is like a word. When a word is thought of in the brain, it may cause the brain to shift, gather energy, and weigh a tiny bit heavier. When the thoughts are released as words, then they weigh nothing, yet the brain may weigh a little less. This is just a passing theory I came up with, but, who knows if it could be true or not? There now, my brain feels lighter now that I got that thought out. Maybe science is on to something.
Last edited by Phyllis, Native American; 02/12/11 11:37 PM.
Walk in Peace and Harmony. Phyllis Doyle Burns Avatar: Fair Helena by Rackham, Public Domain
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See I believe that you can be reincarnated.
I still have to read about it. I think people close to you now in this life time could of been something else in you past life. Maybe are souls still have a journey that is not over or we feel we have not yet accomplished something we did not do in are last life time. I'm not sure. So throwing it out there for everyone.
Maybe we still experience similar experience???
Have a wonderful night!:)
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