Most of the women I know are educated and/or continuing education.
The current economy whether it's being addressed by our gov't or not is a HUGE issue right now. So, many women are at home or having to re-educate themselves or trying to work from home through networking.
Also, women generally don't have the desire to get married just to clean house. That's pretty much a thing of the 1940's - 1950's. We have way too many options these days.
Here, we have many, many choices, both men and women. We are seen as fair equals. We have found that aside from the obvious, sex and having babies, communication, respect and shared interests have a great deal to do with how long a relationship lasts, kids or no kids.
When a woman marries, idealy they are looking for a partner, not a master. Men as well are looking for a woman to have a mutual partnership with, not just a woman who can reproduce and have a career as well. It's more spiritual than that.
Anyone, if they are physically capable can have babies. So, what if you've nothing in common? The kids? That's it? You pay bills together? It isn't going to sustain in the long run, it will be lonely and kids grow up.
Women marry because they love their partners, in general, very much I suspect and cant' see living w/anyone else.
Women also have various reasons for not wanting children. Usually they've discussed these things with their partner. They can vary from an overcrowded planet to the way society is headed and not wanting to bring another human life into chaos, to self-doubt about parenting themselves because of their own personal childhood.
Also, marriage doesn't necessarily signify childbirth. Women concieve every day that aren't married. Why is it such a notion that if you are married you have to have kids? Do you know how many people there are who are married that have kids and cheat or leave and aren't happy at all? They are two separate issues.
One is the relationship they (the man and wife) have with eachother, the other is their readiness to bring another human being into this world. Just doing it to do it doesn't guarantee a happy ending to either, it's balance

and every person has the opportunity to pursue that here.
If and when a relationship is ready to have kids it's good to pursue that, if it isn't it is equally good to wait. The world is filled with people who didn't, many of which are featured on the True TV channel!