Are facts debatable? I just had a conversation with a fellow brother who insists that we should "debate the facts." While I agree that facts have little relevance outside a given context, it seems to me that the debate is really about the context in which the facts are placed. Isn't this is how lawyers make their money -- by putting facts in a particular context? But, why are we debating the facts of the Bible though? If the Bible is the Word of God, where's the debate? Is this culture really concerned about truth, anyway? Recently, a whole group of people about denied/excused/justified/ignored documented and testimonial proof about a particular situation that affected them on one hand; and, on the other hand, dismissed a situation that involved long time friends without any proof documented or otherwise. How is it possible to "debate the facts" if the standard is constantly shifting as to what is debatable: concrete evidence means nothing, the word of one person means everything, "I need to see proof", "Your documents mean nothing to me," "Well that's my opinion," "It's open to interpretation." What is going on ?!
Last edited by Dountonia - Baptist Site; 05/18/10 01:22 PM.