Hi second chance
Seven years is a long time to be out of the workforce but you have learned many new skills in that time frame that you may not be aware of. Read my new article, self-evaluation can reveal new skills, posted on the forum to help you with updating your resume.
Please go to the AAPD website which will allow you to find the local organizations that will help you with employment and training.
It has been a long hard fight for you for the past seven years, now channel that fight to get your life back on track. Use all available resources to your advantage including the ADA.
Let employers know that you were out of the work force due to health reason and that the treatment has been completed. Let them know that you are a survivor because employers want fighters with a goal and determination to regain a quality of life. They tend to be reliable and honest.
Be determined and confident in your job search and be sure to read my article to do your evaluation. You have been exposed to alot of time in a health facility atmosphere over the past seven years and they also have sales and payroll departments.
Good luck with your job search and let me know how it is going for you and welcome second chance.