Additional info requested.

I'm thinking about doing the curling with an iron myself, but I need 3 things:
1. A recommendation for a good curling iron
2. A good step by step guide to learn the ropes
3. What good products I need to prevent damage (as best as possible) or to make the curls last longer then 15 minutes...
I'll give some more info on my hair: it's fine, it's blonde, it's long (about 3-4" past the shoulders) and it's healthy, considering having had 2 perms on it, the last perm being done approx. 2 years ago.
I intend to use it about twice a week, probably in the weekend.
I usually just shampoo my hair but use conditioner in alteration (one time only shampoo, then shampoo + conditioner, the next time only shampoo, etc.)
I'll do it myself, duh... but I think it won't be easy at first. I would gladly use benders or rollers or anything else that isn't as damaging if I only had someone to roll them in for me. (yes, I can go to a salon, but after a while, this starts to become much too expensive for my budget)
I would consider perming it again if it wasn't for the skin problem and the hair breakage... I am aware that long term heat exposure due to hair dryers and/or curling irons can severely damage the hair as well...
Sry about all the questions. I hope all who has experience with curling irons can help me a bit.