I don't think it's nothing Tre, truly. There is just a lot of people who have information that I don't.
Me personally, I have in some places more than others or maybe it's even times a slumbering, peaceful melodic tune or series of pitches making tunes. I've also had deep hums that are different and the exact same series but may have a hum that is longer than the others. Whether I covered my head or not I would hear them.
I noticed if I went in a closet it was stronger in one particular house that I lived. I felt it had something to do with water - believe it or not, the well-line or water lines that ran underneath the land with increases in sound having to do with tremors/seismic (sp) activity.
I can't prove any of this, it's just what truly feels, literally what was going on, at least with the hums.
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