Is there an EASIER way to do this? <grin> I am still fairly new to spinning (about 18 months) and it may just be that I haven't figured out some of the "tricks" yet, but I want to add beads to the yarn I am plying and the only way I can figure out to do it is to thread a whole bunch of these tiny beads onto one of the singles and just keep moving one bead up with each arms length of ply ... sort of? I managed the first 50 yards of yarn with about 100 beads, so probably approximately one bead every 18" or so. It took quite a while to do but it looks pretty <g>.
I want to end up with a total of at LEAST 150 yards of beaded yarn for a project I have in mind and for what I am doing I NEED to have them plied in, so I can't add them as I knit.
Any suggestions from more experienced spinners? Thanks!