"There is nothing wrong with an escape hatch being available, but a more fruitful use of Venus in Sagittarius might be to find situations, maybe relationships, which offer the opportunity to find meaning out of your rich experience of life...."
"I HOPE this is NOT implying that
rather than travel I should have babies!"
When I read this, I immediately thought of *travel* as being a possible "opportunity to find meaning", or perhaps a self-discovery? And relationships...those don't necessarily have to be between you and children. They could be between you and nature, you and the places you travel to, you and friends/family, or even you and yourself...or you and the universe/cosmos. After all, Scorpio *is* a very "spiritual" sign (not necessarily a religious sign/not saying that all Scorpios are religious, but I'm saying that Scorpio is "spiritual" in the sense that it is a sign deeply connected to life's mysteries and to the unknown, and also to hidden truths/revelations/figuring out truth). And, too, many Scorpios are very physically in-tune; many can become good doctors and healers, so maybe a relationship like that--between mind and body--is another idea I thought of. So, those are other meanings that came to mind, given the description.
ps I'm a Childfree Libra Sun Sign and Mercury Sign (with Pluto and Venus in Scorpio). ;-)
Last edited by L Lawliet; 06/07/09 09:25 PM.