I'm so glad that I just found this site. I have a few questions...just looking for opinions since I can't seem to find a good doctor but I'm going to a new one tomorrow and wanted to ask some advice first.
I'm presently on compounded T3 and T4...anyone else? I switched from Armour after an allergic reaction. My last labs were:
TSH 6.8 range 0.5-4.5
T4 1.2 range 0/8-1.8
T3 299 range I can't remember the ranges but the middle range is 330 so she said I'm too low
Anyways even though my T4 and T3 have improved slightly from last month, my TSH has gotten higher (from 4.83 to 6.8), so my doc just upped the T3 in my medicine. However after a week I'm getting hyper symptoms and had to go back to the old dose. She said she didn't want to raise the T4 because I'm already in the middle range. However it seems I cannot raise my T3 anymore without getting hyper symptoms. I have also been extremely fatigued and weak for about 6 weeks, since my TSH levels have begun raising, and have been hardly functioning. My hair is also falling out.
I'm wondeirng what I should ask my new doctor to try next? raising the T4? When I was on Armour it was the equivalent of more T4 but less T3 and I was doing awesome! Can I just ask to be put on the exact same dosage..would that work?
Also I had the 24 hr saliva cortisol test and it showed low cortisol all day and high at night. Does that mean that I could not have Addison's disease? Just wondering...I'm currently treating the cortisol mess with a supplement for the past 2 months...could this be affecting my TSH?
Thanks so much!