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BellaOnline Editor Elephant
BellaOnline Editor Elephant
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At the oddest times, I will get premonitions. I may be driving, dreaming or doing laundry.
It made me think that these tasks have routine in common.
When do you find your intution is the most sensitive and what do you do about the premonitions you do get?
Elleise Clairvoyance Editor
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He Elleise,
I find I most often get premoitions as I am falling asleep. I am not sure why though. Sometimes they come throughout the day, as I seem to be "in tune" all the time. It really doesn't seem to matter what I am doing, the information just comes.
I dream often, I do have a very hard time decifering them, especially when tranisitioning sprititually.
My intuition is just there, but it is the most sensitive when I am doing something quiety, perhap's routinely. Depending on what I get will depend on what I do about it. In other words, I don't interefere unless I am supposed to, just because I get a premonition does not necessarily mean I am supposed to step in and "save the day".
I have acted on my premonitions, sometimes they are just "feelings" that something is wrong somewhere and normally when I make that call or speak to whomever is involved in the premonition they normally want to know "how" I knew something was going on, lol.
Normally, my premonitions come a few hours before something will happen, not days or years. On the other hand, when someone tells me about something they are choosing to do now, I can see the end result.
Recently, a colleague of mine chose a new position with another company. I really did not think anything about it, but a few days later I realized or had a premonition that this particular position is going to be cut in about a year, actually, I sense it will be 9 months and she will be surprised. She was given a choice to stay where she was and be given a new title and more responsibilities with more pay, she is excellent at what she does. However, she felt there was no where to go with this company,she chose the company where she felt she could move-up and I can't blame her for that because that is what is important to her in her career.
Will I act on this information, not on your life, she has not asked me what I think, nor has she asked for my input into this matter. On the other hand, I have acted on premonitions regarding my fiance, because he trusts my intuition as much as I trust his!
Interestingly, I had no idea that my middle daughter would try to commit suicide, I did know she was going to experience some rough life lessons, but not HOW! Our relationship had been extremely strained for over a year, due to interference from her father, I could see but could not understand what was happening, perhaps I let my own emotions get in the way, I'm not sure. Even if I had known, I doubt anyone would have believed me and I doubt I would have been able to stop the attempt.
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BellaOnline Editor Elephant
BellaOnline Editor Elephant
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Hi Anna, I think you hit the nail on the head w/premonitions and "when to Tell What You Know" or why some information isn't revealed, especially w/those closest to us. I have a lot of feelings on that too  BellaOnline ALERT: Raw URLs are not allowed in these forums for security reasons. Please use UBB code. If you don't know how to do UBB code just post here for help - we will help out!
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BellaOnline Editor Koala
BellaOnline Editor Koala
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I have found a subtle way around providing a person the information from a premonition. If there is time prior to the event, such as with Anna's friend and her new job, I'll discuss it with them under the guise of playing the devil's advocate. One can asked "Have you thought of this possible outcome?" or a more pertinent question, such as "Have you had that van thoroughly checked out by a mechanic?" Unfortunately, there's not always time for this.
I've developed quite a list of nonchalant responses to the question "How could you possibly know that?" One of my favorites is "It popped in my head while I was doing the dishes." A nonchalant response seems to calm the other person, especially if they are "psychic-phobic." You can almost always come up with some quasi-rational explanation of why you would ask that question, or how you could possibly know about that. Having worked in accounting for over 20 years with hundreds of clients, I've frequently used another of my favorites, "Well, I had a client in a similar situation..."
When it comes to a premonition of any type of harm, physical or financial, I make the opportunity to discuss it. I don't care if I'm not completely accurate, or look totally stupid. The least I can do is expose the person to the possibility, hopefully plant a seed of caution, and then pray I'm wrong and no harm will come.
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BellaOnline Editor Elephant
BellaOnline Editor Elephant
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Those are all really good ideas. I worked in a brokerage firm for 10 years and the dumbest things would pop out of my mouth. They would have nothing to do with anything but I'd get the same thing, "Howd you know about that..." or "you're not going to believe it, but I had that lawnmower accident..."
Till the end of days, I'll not understand why some information is just right there and it really won't be that pertinent or even be something you can do anything about.
I've done the Devil's Advocate routine more tmes than I'd like to admit, but there are those others when I just want to grab the person by both arms...lol and do an Egore's rendition of, "Luuukkkke intoo my eeeeyyees...this is bad...vedy vedy bad!!"
Elleise Clairvoyance Editor BellaOnline ALERT: Raw URLs are not allowed in these forums for security reasons. Please use UBB code. If you don't know how to do UBB code just post here for help - we will help out!
Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 10/11/08 02:27 AM.
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Mine come to me as I'm waking up or if I'm up in the middle of the night between 2 and 4 p.m.
Last edited by daisybun; 10/11/08 03:22 AM.
Former Chocolate Editor. Also known as Daisybun.
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Hi Everyone,
My colleague did think about this job change for quite some time. I look at it this way, even if the job she took gets cut in a year, she will still have gotten the experience she needs to move into another company. You see, if she didn't take this job, then she would not have gotten the chance to expand her knowledge in one particular area, which she could not do if she stayed put. Elliese, if you had told your mother in law your feelings about the van, you may have unintentionally changed an event in her life that turned out to be a lesson that she needed to learn. On the other hand, I am sure if she was to learn a lesson from this experience and she didn't, the universe would present another one, it always does, lol!
I don't like to interfere in other's lessons that they need to learn whether it is on a karmic level or not. We all have our own lessons we need to learn in this lifetime, it helps us to grow as individual's as well as sprititually.
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Hi Elleise,
I just read your article about "Psychic Ettiquite". It reminded me of how I know WHEN I am supposed to get involved or say something, when I read the passage about asking for guidance.
There have been a few occassions where I had an overwhelming feeling to divulge what I knew, now this did not come from my ego because it was coming from inside of me in my heart area and the feeling is so strong that if I try to repress the feeling, then the information comes repeatedly, over and over again and ofcourse the feeling to divulge gets stronger and stronger...overhwelming really, until I act on it. Does that make sense to anyone else?
Once I acted on it and did what I was supposed to do (I am assuming my guides are instructing me to act on what I know) the feeling and the information stops and I feel a whole lot better!
Honestly, I can probably count on one hand the times I had this happen. The last time it happened was when I told my fiance I was falling in love with him. For three days I "just knew" I had to tell him and let me tell you something, it was the VERY last thing I wanted to do. For three days I put it off, and o my gosh, was it hard!! The feeling was so very strong, I wish I could give it justice, but I cannot think of a word other than "strong".
When I did finally tell him in an e-mail among other things we discussed, I did not hear back from him for three days..when I did things had changed between us. I think I had to tell him at that time because 1. he needed to know where I was in the relationship and 2. he needed to figure out where he was and where he was going in our relationship.
Worked out pretty well for me, lol!
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I get them all the time. I can get them when doing the three "s"'s. I get them in the middle of sleeping. Waking up in a dream state. But i get them all the time. It's funny how they come sometimes
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In response to that I also have what I call a knowing. I have always kind of known but never talked about it. My Mom told me a few things about hers through out her life. Last year my oldest son called from N.Carolina, I live in Jacksonville,Fl. Anyway I knew immediatly what he meant ( That he was saying good bye and was going to commit Suicide. I called my ex and as usually he told me I was over reacting. I told him that which ever one of us could get to him first had better start moving. He finally agreed and then I found out that he was estranged from his wife and He wanted to know how I was going to find him since he wasn't living at home. As he drove from Atlanta to N.C. I stayed on the phone and tracked him down to a motel. His car was not there, he had hidden it a few blocks away. I got the police there and they went in and when they found a 12 page good bye to each of us and the empty sleeping pill bottles Over the counter they gave him a choice to go with them and check himself in to a Mental Health Faculity or they would do what they had to. Well he did and my ex finally got the the center were the Police brought him. To bumper sticker this They let him out in the morning with no Mandatory stay for being a threat to himself. My ex took him back to Atlanta with the Promise of making sure he got help. I was waiting a few days here because he had his Dad Brother and his best friend from College there. I would pick up the next time slot so he wouldn't be left alone. My ex let him drive to Gainsville to see some college buddies. I had a fit. My son said he was coming to see me the next day. When I called the next day and could not find him I called his best friend whom had left him there alone. I freaked out again called my ex who said he was driveing back from Tampa and he would drive through G-ville and find him. I was afraid to leave incase I missed him. But at this point I Knew what was going to be. I was beside myself. I called my other children and my ex again and said if they don't help me let his blood be on their hands. I regret that But I was desprite for them to believe what I knew. My ex couldn't find him and drove back to Atlanta without calling me to tell me that. When I found out he hadn't found him I new he was already Dead. He told me again to stop over reacting. I called his friend to get the address so I could go find him. He told me he had a friend with a Key and he would call him to check. I demanded to know where my son was and he hung up on me. A little while later while waiting to find out where to go A woman voice came on my ph. and said she was from the Alachua County Sheriffs office and my son was Dead. He had Hung himself. She didn't even ask if I was driving with anyone just blurted it out over the ph as I collasped to the ground. If I had been driving I could have taken out many other cars as I collapsed. The bottom line now is that my friend who really know me know that When I say I know something they know I do. I will say I don't know how I know but I just do. Since his death my Sixth Sense or knowing along with common sense and probably uncounsious memories has greatly increased. My close friends don't think twice anymore when I say I know. If only My ex could have alittle believe and some common sense Nick would still be here. I know it was not meant to happen but since it did I do know That I was meant to help others in his name for the rest of my life.
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