Saturday mornings and early afternoon i teach knitting, but around the middle of the afternoon (now) is when my weekend usually begins, because i don't (usually) have classes on Sundays or Mondays. The day has been nice already mostly because of the people i've seen, but now i get to look forward to the weekend and plan what i will do for projects, and i like that.

Later today i'm going to go out for a walk to run some errands and to enjoy the sunshine before the weather changes (and get some exercise, too! I'm trying to get in shape!). Yesterday the temperature was in the mid-eighties, but it's supposed to get as low as 39 degrees tomorrow after storms. I don't know, but i kinda enjoy the weather changes.

The bedroom is so close to being finished that it's getting exciting. I have no idea how many hours i've put into repairing the walls and stripping woodwork and painting... 200 hours maybe? So now i'm just doing paint touch-ups, removing the painter's tape from the windows, and then i'm ready to remove the tools and paint cans and wash the windows and floor. I think i can finish it by Monday... i'm so excited! Then (eek) i get to move in! I've stayed in the same bedroom for.. hm... 10 years i think, so this will be a good change, but i think it will feel weird, hahaa. I've been sorting my clothes and things because my plan is to only move in the things i actually use and to get rid of the rest! I love lightening up and feeling organized.
I'm also close to finishing some knitting projects and might finish one today. I'm looking forward to putting a summer purse in the store window to attract people to making it in a workshop this summer.
I hope everyone here at Bella has things to look forward to this weekend and hope you share them with others here.
best wishes, all.