The "ACTH Stimulation" test rules out true, full blown adrenal insufficiency but doesn't catch cases of adrenal fatigue, when the cortisol circadian rhythm can be off, so that cortisol (major adrenal hormone) levels fall sooner in the day when they are supossed to or they start out low in the mornings and increase toward evening (opposite of what's suppossed to happen). This is better found through saliva testing that takes several samples in a 24 hour period. Pharmaices carry these test kits by ZRT Labs, Inc. or they can be ordered direct from them online:
www.salivatest.com .
Urine cortisol to test adrenal function, is usually done to detect overproduction (Cushing's Disease) but some Dr.s do use it to test for low adrenal cortisol.
One test I know of for pituitary function, when it is suspected to be off due to a tumor or other cause, is one called the "Glucagon test". It also gauges the pituitary's response to being stimulated by this hormone.
If you have full blown adrenal insufficiency ruled out or is not suspected to begin with, saliva cortisol tests are the most accurate for detecting adrenal fatigue.