Well, DH is getting the big snip in less than two weeks. While I know it's a lot less invasive than a tubal, I am amazed that he wouldn't really be getting time off work, and the doc claims he'll only be "out of commission" for a week.
Does anyone with experience have any advice on what I can do to help out? We're both taking two weeks off starting surgery day, so he won't have to go in to work at all, and I'll be around.
Getting to this point took some doing. I was pretty adamently CF when we met, but he left BC completely up to me. I asked him about having kids, and he was always, "oh no, don't want any more." But he was ambivalent about going under the knife. After much drama with my BC (high BP and leg clots on the Pill, pain and other side effects with an IUD) he finally scheduled a consult. I think one of the defining moments was after he made the appointment; I asked him if he was really certain about doing something permanent, and added teasingly, "If you do want more, and we got started right now, you'd only be 55 when the kid graduates from high school!" His immediate reaction was "Oh hell no!" He has put 17 years into a career, and is only 3 years from a retirement check. He wants to go to school and figure out what his second career will be, and wants to be staring down possible permanent retirement at 55, not trying to figure out how to pay for college.