I actually make eye contact with mothers toting babies in public places, and put my scowl on so they don't come anywhere near me. Works a charm - many years of practice makes perfect!
Ah, the mean old lady who bites and is most likely rabid scowl! Yes, it almost always works beautifully on both parents and kids. In the event that it failed, I would get up and move as far away from them as possible.
I've seldom been "baby stalked" but there was one incident.....
my mother loved babies and always made a big to-do over them. Well, during her final illness some people she knew, a married couple who were expecting came to visit her. Of course my mom made a big to-do over the pregnancy. So a couple weeks pass, nature takes it's course and the couple now have a baby. During those couple of weeks my mother also deteriorated to the point where she was literally on her death bed and was only semi-conscious for a few moments at a time during the day.
Hospice respite care came in so I could get out to pick up meds, food, etc. and at the grocery store I happen to run into this couple sans baby but they have to corner me and tell me all about it and how my mother was so excited about the fact that they were going to have a baby and now they had it and when could they bring it over to show it to my mother. I told them no, that would not be possible because my mother was now very ill. They were insistent - seeing their baby would cheer her up, they said. I said I'm sorry but my mother was dying and did not want visitors any longer. My mom had requested "no visitors" outside of family and very close friends at this point and these people did not fall into either category.
Still they insisted! Surely my mom would want to see their baby and why would I deny my mother that pleasure...why she couldn't be dying since they'd seen her just 2 weeks ago and she appeared to be doing well then. I'd been trying to be polite up to that point but that did it! I put on my scowl and right there in the middle of the grocery store, I switched to public speaking mode - you know the one where you project your voice so everyone in a large auditorium can hear you even though the amplifiers are out - and inquired as to what part of the word "dying" it was that they failed to understand. Then I started crying, turned around and walked away leaving them (and my grocery cart) in the aisle.
Thing is, had my mother been able to see them and the baby, I would have told them to stop by because my mother would have enjoyed it. But their kid was so important that they could or would not hear what I was saying.
They did not make an appearance at the memorial service 4 days later.