Thank you all for sharing your helps alot to hear your thoughts and to see there are people out there who understand where I am coming from. Society can make things much tougher than they really are sometimes.
Shay, I will certainly try out the list of 100 qualities I want in a man. That's a good idea. I also went to therapy for awhile, but found that attending a divorce support group turned out to be much more healing for me.
Stephanie and Jeanne -- I'm glad you finally found someone special. Good for you! And Jeanne, congratulations on your exciting! And kuddos for staying strong and getting yourself out of that abusive relationship. Question -- how did you two convince yourself to let down your guard for your special someones? I'm afraid I will never be able to allow anyone to get close enough to me to know if they are that special person (I suspect this is something I need therapy for).
Stephanie, you said, "It's perfectly OK and normal to NOT want a relationship. I don't know why society tries to make us feel bad for not wanting a relationship. Give yourself plenty of time, plenty of space, learn to love YOU. Learn what you WANT out of life outside of men."
This is what I need right now...I need to get to know myself and focus on ME for awhile. It is like I was in a car driving down one, familiar road and suddenly I've been put on a strange road in the dark with no headlights. I need time to turn the lights on and determine which way "I" want to travel. I need to figure out who I am without a man. And so far, I'm doing pretty good I think. But it doesn't happen overnight.
It is frustrating that others do not accept this...I keep getting, "Soo, are you ready to start dating again?" or "So, when are you gonna get back in the game?" Or "When do you think you'll be ready?" OR "You should be out there looking. You're ready by now" from friends and family. I'm sure they don't mean any harm, but they are overstepping my boundaries and being intrusive. Did you get anything like that? And how did you handle it? I just say, "no not ready yet...still trying to process all of this and heal." Then, I change the subject.
Shay, you said, "CF gal your instincts are telling you to step back from getting romantically involved. Society doesn't know your story or where you need to be. Only you do, so trust yourself above all else. If men are a turn-off to you right now, it's for a good reason!"
Good point!
As you could tell by my first post, there is no way I'm going to be dating anytime soon. But now I feel more comfortable with my feelings. And I'm sure over the next divorce support group, I will also feel better as this is my topic to bring up