It is 21 years after the angel led me out of San Francisco; when I was brought out to New Hope it was as Lot was brought to Zoar; the little one; and now the book "The Revelation of Salvation: the Regeneration of John" is done; but let me share with those of the Faith on Earth what the True Vine or Body of Christ on earth looks like. It is the 7 overcomings in the 7 churches of Revelation that are revealed as the 7 steps on the Street of Pure Gold; the 7 overcomings on the Path of the Just which are the steps on the 7 rungs of the Ladder of Jacob.

In this book the 7 churches in Asia Minor that Peter designed; Paul built; and John addressed are revealed as having been the pattern for what Christianity was to go through in the ages to come; starting with the first church at Jerusalem at Pentecost; the Apostolic Church with Peter as the first sheperd; then the second church at Rome as the Catholic Church with Augustine as the second sheperd; then the third church at Wittenberg as the Protestanic Church with Martin Luther as the third sheperd; then the fourth church at London as the Gnostic Church with George Fox as the fourth sheperd; ( being named "gnostic" because the central recognition of Christ as the inner light comes from seeing Jesus as embodying the original Light of Creation; this is why Jesus as the "Light" overcoming the devil in the wilderness was the "Light" seperated from "Darkness"; which is when he became Christ or "Day"; for George Fox "Christ Jesus" literally means "Day-Light" itself. The fifth church was originally centered at Stockholm as the Angelic Church with Emanuel Swedenborg as the fifth sheperd; but their Lampstand was moved to Bryn Athyn when the church moved it's headquarters to America. The sixth church at Salt Lake City as the Archaic Church ( because of their ancient patriarchial attitude towards multiple marriages ) called "Mormon" although the angel was Moroni who gave Joseph Smith the plates; Joseph Smith being the sixth sheperd; and then we come to the seventh church at Seoul as the Sufic Church; with Sun Myung Moon as the seventh sheperd. The sufis predate Islam; and it is their foundation Rev. Moon was to have built on in unifying the 3 monotheistic religions on the foundation of the 4 at the 4 quarters; the Way of Confucious; the Life of Socrates; the Truth of Quetzacoatl and the Path of Buddha. The Sufis have always taught the Unity behind all the religious forms; and Unity is the fruit of the Tree of Life; just as Duality is the fruit of the "Tree" of "the knowledge of good and evil"; ( John having taught me that Duality is the "essence" of the "Nature" of "the principle of light and darkness" ). But it is at this last church that the problems have finally come to a head.

One might well ask: how did I come to know of this: yet the question should be: why does the Lord take so long in coming?

And the answer is: he comes at the Final Trump: the Last Judgement itself. How do I know this? The same way that I know that the 2 men in white who appeared on the Mount of Olives 2,000 years ago and spoke to the 12 Disciples were the 2 olive trees; Ezekiel and Daniel: the two Sons of Man. The Lord would come ascending; even as this time; on the Path of the Just in the flesh on the Holy Mountain which is the Gospel; the Street of Pure Gold in the Spirit in the Holy City which is the Revelation; who overcomes on the Path on earth stands on the Street in heaven. Those who follow John are they who follow the Lamb. It is he in the Holy Spirit in the name of Christ Jesus who revealed to me that the first beast of Revelation in chapter 13 is the Axis; the 3-in-one from the sea of time kept for a time and a season; and the second beast is Marxism; and the False Prophets is Karl Marx. And the scarlet beast of chapter 17? It is Red China. Thes three things alone should inform you that the Lamb's Book is God's Will; the Open One; from which I read; for as I hear; that I speak; as was written of me.

Think not that Osama bin Laden is the focus of the Sign of the Coming of the Son of man: the Son of Man in his Day first reveals Osama bon Laden as the Antichrist called the "Man of Lawlessness" that my brother Paul wrote of at II Thessalonians 2:2-4. As the global terrorist Osama bin Laden would be an antichrist on the scale of a Stalin or Kim Il Sung; but because he bases his "Judgement" of America on the principles of the Qur'an of Muhammed he enters the "cosmic" or "universal" level of not just the earth: but of "heaven and earth". Thus Osama bin Laden has brought to mind the old hadith of Muhammed that stated the "Ad-Dajjal" would promise his followers "heaven" as the "Sign" of the Antichrist or Ad-Dajjal; who claims to be the Mahdi or "Sword of Islam"; promising his followers "heaven"( Jannat) as with "72 virgins" which is reality "hell"( Jahannam) as "the angels of the devil": read the Hadith : as Judas is the one Jesus called "the son of perdition" it is the Judas of Islam who tries to take the position of the Mahdi "by force" who is the "antichrist/false Mahdi". This self-exalted person carries out the Judging of the West as if he sat on the throne of Mecca; the House of God; and because his "judgement" was carried out it appears to his followers that he is "God". I reveal that the name of the "antichrist" is Osama bin Laden; the Global Terrorist and starter of what he wants to become WWIII: the False Holy War: the Last Battle of the Devil: the false jihad: not the true jihad against the enenmy within of which Muhammed spoke when he said "holy is the warrior who wrestles with himself"..referring to "Israel" as who wrestles with the angel: like Jacob; like Muhammed; who struggled with the things "within": the son of perdition makes us attend to the false struggle without: who makes every man one's foe: the economic :"dog eat dog" of the "jungle" or Darwinian desolation of the devil: but it is as one who puts himself above all that is holy who is the "Man of Lawlessness" St. Paul spoke of. To truly understand the prophetic context here one would truly have to uncover the reality of the "last days" and the Muhammedan arrival of the "Judgment Day"; and the question of the "false Jihad" which leads to the false Holy War calleed "Ar-meggedeon" known as WWIII; and the "True Jihad"; which is the 7 fold subjugation of the "old ego" or "old serpent" and the subsequent gaining of the Seal of God; thus able to stand before the Throne in the Prescence of God; as the sanctified sufis were able to do while in the flesh; though some less intermitently than others. Now the Elect have come forth as the Kings of the East; like the Magi of Old. The true lovers of God shine forth at the End; they cannot be hidden; and they shine forth together; as the Sun of Righteousness; with healing in it's 12 wings; the 12 Apostles of the Lamb.