I was pretty much born childfree BUT sometimes I have wandered onto the top of the fence, sat, looked over and pondered. And when I was a teen I fanticized about having twins (you can thank "Sweet Valley High" for that!)
So I have my fencesitter moments, they are very few and far between but they are still there.
Like just the other day I felt a bit sad cos there will be no hubby+me wandering around and you know I actually DO want to leave something!
But firstly (I am reminding myself)
Both our younger brothers and their respective wives have a boy and a girl so it's not like the line or genes or surnames will not be continued. But it's a bit sad for me that our mix me and him will not continue. BUT the world is NOT exactly running out of Egyptians, New Zealanders, Muslims, those who have spiritual beliefs like mine, English speakers or Arabic speakers!
And I have met a boy and a girl who had an Egyptian father and a New Zealand mother so they DO exist!
Our kids could be good looking but they could also be ugly I mean for e.g. his mum and dad are very overweight and I was BORN a bit chubby.
As far as our personalities, cultures whatever, the reality is the kid will have their OWN opinions, beliefs etc. and maybe they will not give a DAMN about their roots, who can say?
What kids really should have is being born to two parents who really really want them and we don't.
As far as leaving something behind well I have contributed to several charities in the past, we contribute to one now and he planted at least 10 trees with his father as a child and given blood several times. Hopefully one day I'll get something published - in print - and there are photos of the two of us as well, enjoying our childfree life.
And yes we may basically be really nice good kind and generous people but who says our kids would be - what if they grew up to be the opposite?
Our sensitive lovely little hearts would just be shattered.
As for the twins thing, yes strong possibility but no guarantee.
So yeah sometimes I waver but
on the whole I was BORN childfree and every day I am grateful to still be childfree!