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I am moving. Finally. Not like it's a huge deal, it's only across town. But I was recently approached by a "concerned co-worker" who felt that I was making a mistake. Heres the background:
I currently live in a 5 bedroom/2 bath/2 living room/huge backyard house that was built at some point around the time the Christopher Columbus found america...or at least it feels that way. It was actually built in the 60's. I have seen some beautifull older homes before but this one aint one of them. This place has probably been a rental since day 1, it's just a dirty nasty house.- 2800 sq feet
Our new home is a brand new 3 bedroom home in a quiet neighborhood. It's got a medium size backyard, and a big garage. - 1600 sq feet
Both houses cost the same to purchase. Since currently the basement (which includes one bathroom, one living room, and 3 bedrooms) is nothing but one giant storage center and a collection location for things that have no purpose. We just really don't need the extra space..it's wasted. I actually have 2 completely empty bedrooms.
Back to the point: A "concerned co-worker" (read-breeder) approached me to attempt and stop me from making the "biggest mistake" of my life. Why would I give up a house that big, it's perfect to start a family..I could have 4 kids and nobody would have to share a bedroom.....I about died.
This comment came from someone who knows that I don't want kids..now..then..ever.
She then proceded to start with the bingoes. Letting me know how "selfish" I was for choosing a home that doesn't consider the possibilty of a big family, when I was allready so blessed to find a big home.
I think I'm losing my mind..if I could go back I would have just laughed at her, as it was, I just walked away.
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Your new house seems MUCH better suited to you and your wife. I think that your co-worker sucks.
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Your co-worker obviously has some fuses blown.
What is with all of this 'selfish' [censored]? The people in my generation who have children are going to have to watch their kids compete with hundreds of other people for even the most mediocre jobs. Most schools are going to be out of the price-range of middle-class families. Financial aid will only pay for a fraction of any college education. Even people who are educated in the highest technical levels will be competing for jobs.
How is it selfish to choose not to add to this problem?
How is that mentality even remotely sane?
...the cake is a lie...the cake is a lie...the cake is a lie...
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I think laughing sounds about right... Some people never give up and are so rude and arrogant... It makes me think these people must be unbalanced - they have a very narrow focus in life or perhaps, they're terribly insecure. Your new home sounds perfect....enjoy it!
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That breeder coworker has a lot of nerve! After reading her comments, my jaw dropped. That is none of her business what house you choose to buy. Apparently, this coworker should be concerned about her kids, instead of what house you are moving into. People just amaze me. I can't stand nosey people, especially coworkers. She needs to get a life.
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Hmmm, to flip the tables, I wonder if the case were different, if your co-worker would still find you selfish. For example, what if you had 10 kids in a 3 bedroom house and all the kids were squashed together without adequate space or proper conditions? Would your co-worker find you equally as selfish for having more kids than your living space and means allowed? I am guessing, from the tone of the conversation, your co-worker would call that a "blessing" to be over run with kids in a too small house. Yet, you are "selfish" for wanting to downsize out of a home that you know is too big for you. Besides, I'm sure it takes a lot of energy to heat and cool the house with rooms you don't even use.
Congrats on your move. Enjoy your new place!
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We live in a one bedroomed unit with a lounge/kitchen/dining room and bathroom(sounds a little cheap, but it's a large one in a 4 1/2 star holiday resort in a beautiful destination), it suits us down to the ground. We don't have to do maintenance but we have 4 pools, spas, a tennis court etc. We're constantly plagued by "but you won't be living there long right?" or "you'll be looking for a house soon?". No, no we won't.
I think you'll be happy with the move. In fact... you sure you need three bedrooms? that means you might have 2 sets of folks visiting at once, yikes! LMAO
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We live in a two level with unfinished basement. Two big bedrooms and a smaller bedroom used as an office. By no means is it large -- at 1600 sq ft, it is the cheapest house in the development, but it is perfect for two people.
Literally, anything more would be a waste of money and/or resources.
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I think you'll be happy with the move. In fact... you sure you need three bedrooms? that means you might have 2 sets of folks visiting at once, yikes! LMAO 2 sets visiting...not likely...one room will be a computer room (i'm a nerd, i have 5 systems) and the other we are going to set up as kind of a hobby/craft room.
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oh yeah...and if people want to visit..I will recommend some great hotels
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