I wouldn't say fat people are lazy or weak, either. Being overweight can cause or be caused by health problems that can make a person very tired, but that's definitely not the same thing.
I think there are different reasons that can cause a person to be overweight. For one, our society currently does not sufficiently encourage health. Kids are raised in a culture that encourages long hours of television viewing and video games (computer, too) and not as much physical activity. Parents are reasonably concerned about letting their kids play outside unattended, as used to be the case when i grew up in a small town. We were pushed out the door in the morning, and came home only for meals. Otherwise we were bicycling, playing in streams, climbing, etc. Our society lives in an increasingly automated world. It used to be if you wanted to change a channel on the t.v. you got up and went to the t.v. It used to be if you wanted to go to the store, you probably walked. Also our society today has unhealthy food EVERYWHERE... products with trans fats, corn syrup and excess of sugar, fat, white flour, and salt. Most of us have to resist temptations in order to be healthy. The physical habits and food we get as children set up our comfort zone for our lifetime.
Add on top of that other contributions to being overweight... stress, depression, injuries preventing walking much, other medical conditions.
My opinion is the deck is stacked against us, at present, for being a healthy weight all our lives. Losing weight and keeping it off is quite an accomplishment, but i in no way see heavy people or even extremely heavy people as being lesser in any way.
Our self esteem... particularly women... is affected by our body image. But our body image does not necessarily have anything directly to do with our actual weight or how others see us. Case in point, i had a sister who was anorexic. When i visited her in New York City one year... she was just shy of being six foot tall... and she weighed only 130 pounds, but more significantly she was DIETING BECAUSE SHE FELT SHE WAS FAT.
Thin does not mean you have a good body image and good self esteem. Fat does not mean you don't have a good body image and good self esteem. Whether we berate ourselves for being fat is more an indicator of our self esteem than it is of our weight!!!!!
Last edited by hollyelise; 12/31/07 12:44 PM.