Haridas, that sounds interesting!

What historical period does it take place? I love historical romance novels, especially if they take place in Scotland, England or Ireland during the time of the American Revolution here in the states.
Holly, how did your knitting pattern turn out? I hope the book that you ordered will really help you! Hasn't the weather been perfect? Have you started walking? I'm going to start again, first thing in the morning!
Lala, I am really glad to see you here! Are you still loving your new adventure? When are you taking your next big trip?
I am trying to catch up with some reading and writing after spending 3 days away with my husband for our 28th anniversary. It was great.

My husband is going to watch the football game shortly and I am going to write a few articles.
Have a beautiful day, everybody!

I am REALLY excited to see some of the regulars back here!!