As your daughter meets and passes each milestone, remember her success is directly related to the fact YOU were on duty all the time. It's all worth it in the end. If her father is capable of walking away, he's done both of you a favor by doing it sooner rather than later. You are a strong mother. Look at how much you have already overcome.
I totally agree, she is not missing anything where he is concerned, except alot of heart break, he did us a favor really.
I will never forget one time when my daughter was little. She took her diaper off and smeared poop all over her room, she dismantled her bed, sprayed baby powder all over, I had the baby moniter on but was taking a nap and didn't hear anything. We were both asleep or so I thought. I remember sitting on the couch after I had gotten her out of the room and cleaned her up, that if her Father had been in the house, I would have presented him with his daughter and a tour of the room and walked out for the rest of the day. I just sat on the couch and cried, I was so overwhelmed.
Of course then I had to clean up her room. I found a way to keep her from taking off her diaper, I used a tape gun and put the packing tape on the top of the diaper, over the tabs and made it meet in the back. Once my daughter learned how to get out of the crib, I had to make alot of changes, not the least of which was getting rid of the crib and getting her into a toddler bed.
Luckily the times I feel overwhelmed now don't involve feces on the wall, bed, carpet etc. anymore.