Hi everyone! My name is Christa and I am soooooooo incredibly thankful to have found this forum! I am almost 27 and have been decidedly child free for a very longtime. I just know I do not have the want, will, or need to have children of my own. I like children, but only under certain circumstances. I tend to like those above 9 years of age- as a lot of my riding students are of that age. I'm very thankful to have my mother stand beside my decision and voices her want for me to be happy.
I've been with my BF for over a year now and we've been living together for several months. I have told him straight out that I do not want children and it is extremely doubtful that I will not want any in the future. I'm perfectly content with sharing my life with him and the dogs, birds, fish, and horse. He commended me on the rational explanation (all I'm sure you already are familiar with) for wanting to be child free and even felt that I would not make a good mother. I was not offended by that statement because I already knew that, LOL!
Alas, he explained to me that he is a fencesitter. A few years ago he was "certain" that he didn't want children, but now he's "softened" up a bit. He has two nieces, one is 4 and the other is 7. He adores them and I think they (along with his family) have encouraged him to think about having kids of his own. My BF will be 32 this year and makes it sound like his "clock" is ticking.
I'm torn up a bit. I feel like we really mesh on all the other important relationship subjects (politics, religion, location, etc) except this one. A few months ago he was talking about getting a V and two days ago he was thinking that having one child would be fun. He wants his nieces to come over and spend the night which is ok, but I feel a little saddled by his family that I am now an "aunt" to them and should share the same joy and fervor for them as they do. Sorry, I don't. Plus I'm in a relationship with my boyfriend, not everyone else. We're not married and I haven't made any contracts saying I would be an aunt to these two girls.
I'm at my wits end, because I feel like my BF and I can truly have a life together and would like to encourage that path, but it's in the back of my head that one day he'll just up and decide that having a child is more important than having me in his life. I feel like I'm "waiting" for something to happen even though it may not!
I hope that all made sense! I'm just torn to bits. I feel like I want to talk to him about how I'm starting to become resentful, but don't know how. His going back and forth is putting a strain on me and how I feel about the relationship.
I do want to point out that we met locally from an online dating website and my profile did say I do not want children. I sort of feel like he should have paid attention to this more!
Thanks for reading!