My first pregnancy was not planned because we were only kids. but you can say that my second one was.. i took my second miscarriage a lot harder because i was going to marry Alex this summer (as soon as i turned 18) but he blammed me for everything..

my first pregancy...... well i had just turned 15 and never thought about getting pregnant.. as soon as i found out i told my boyfriend at the time David and he rejected me and told me if it was his to have an abortion.. the only family member that knew about it was my sister-in-law and she was like my angel that helped me with everything.. as soon as i told her she told me not to have an abortion... abortion that never went threw my mind.. i knew that i needed to pay the consequences... i remeber the day of my miscarriage because it haunts me....Saturday morning i woke up and was exited because i was going to go to a party (a family party/dance) i ate breakfast and went out to the mall... when i was in the mall i bought a lot of baby outfits because they were my favorite color (yellow) and they looked nice.. when i got home i decided to move everything around in my room.. when i moved the bed i got a little cramp and didn't think much of it.. when i tried to move the furniture i got a huge cramp like if they had stabbed me with a knife.. as soon as i felt that i went to the restroom and started bleeding turmendously... then i felt like a peice of me fell out and sure enough it was my baby.. i remeber i stayed in the restroom crying for hours thinking about my baby.. until this day i still blame myself for myself.. it was all because of a box it was all because of me..
Rest In Peace Baby... if it was a boy Juan Carlos and if it was a girl Deseray ....Nov. 30, 2004...

my second pregnancy... i was 17 years old and just out of high school and i had just found out that i was 2 in half months pregnant.. when i told my boyfriend at the time Alex, he was so happy.. he told all his friends and took care of me like a princess... it was on Saturday July 22.... i woke up that day and took my pitbull to get her shots taken.. i started getting ready around 6pm and left my house at 7pm... my neice was going to go with me but decided not to go at the last minute.... well i was driving my mom's truck and lost control... i remember flying in the air thinking i was in heaven but then fell to the ground and realized what had just happened... i started to cry because my stomatch hurt and so did my back... some people stopped to help me and started looking for me.. i remeber i started screaming for my dog... at that moment all i wanted was my dog to be OK... when they finally found me all i asked for was my dog..... i told them to call my sister and they did.... as soon as the ambulence arrived my sister did too.. i remember hearing my sister telling the police to let her by but they didn't... when i got to the hospital they checked me and said i could stay paralyzed and flew me in to Hennipin Hospital in Minneapolis.. i was there for almost a week and Alex..... when i got out of the hospital i went home and told Alex to go over to my house so we could talk..... he went and i told him what the doctors told me.... that when i flew out the back window i hit my stomatch and my back at a high impact and broke 6 virtibrated and i lost the baby... alex started blamming me for everything that had happened......... in memory of my baby... kindra if it was a girl or sebastion if it was a boy......REST IN PEACE ...... July 22, 2006

Mary Ann